Spiritual work

Beginning of any work in spirituality
Invocations and Word-formulas The Spiritual Practice 'Repentance and Forgiveness' consisting of
Spiritual Practice of the Twelve Bows and
Spiritual Practice 'Forgiveness with your Fellow Man'
Prayers A THOUGHT from the Higher Octaves of Light
Consecutive (from the first to the last) 
By the day of the month (1-31) 
Blessings and Words of Gratitude Messages-Pictures 'Help
from the Higher octave of Light'
1-30  31-60  61-90  91-120  121-150  151-180
 181-210  211-240  241-270  271-300
Spiritual practice
in support of our planet RAIMA (Earth)
1-15  16-30  31-45  46-60  61-75  76-90
  91-105  106-120  121-135  136-150 
The Lord's Command​ments Spiritual Practice 'Work on the speech
for its transforma​tion into Word'
Transforma​tion of the negative karma
created by sinful
thoughts, feelings, words and deeds
A breathing exercise
Spiritual Practice with the Violet Fire Spiritual Practice 'Repentance, Forgiveness and Gratitude in 7 Steps'
(All variants)
Spiritual Practice for repentance and transformation of the negative karma towards all kingdoms on the material plane of the planet Earth which are part of the Living Life on this planet Spiritual Practice 'Cleansing after staying on the Internet and protecting the good karma'
Spiritual practice for Repentance and transformation 100% into Light of the negative karma of citizens, peoples, states and institutions of the EU to the …………….. people and state Spiritual Practice for Peaceful Existence


Explanations of some words and phrases