Note from Rositsa Avela:
On 6 June 2020, the Father One told Me that He is giving a new Great Mercy to all Beings of Light in incarnation who have preserved their Souls Alive, Bright and Pure. It consists in the provision of additional Help from Above by one of the Higher Beings of Light through a Thought that would be published on the website on days when the website lacks a publication of an Icon, a Guidance accompanying an Icon, a Question & Answer in chapter Teaching or something else.
from the Higher Octaves of Light
to help us today and in the future
13 August 2024, by Elohim Cyclopea
Live so that you feel the Joy and Tranquillity of your Soul and the Divine Love of your Higher self to you and to the other Beings of Light around you.
24 July 2024, by Lord Surya
Consult your close people before you undertake anything in life because in this way you could be given advice from Above through the mouth of one of them so that you are without making mistakes/sins and without burdening yourself karmically.
And in case two of them give you opposite advice, then turn to your Soul, and feel what signal it is giving you through your feelings when imagining how you act in one case and in the other after that – what are your feelings – of tranquillity and joy, and relief or tension and confusion, and pain, and sorrow in your Soul.
23 July 2024, by Lordess Palas Athena
Be truthful in your words and in your conduct, and in all your deeds!
And stop any falseness, hypocrisy and any other illusory behaviour immediately!
And always live like this so that you are in God and in the Father, full of Divine and the Lord’s Light!
28 June 2024, by the Father One
My dear children with Living, Bright and Pure Souls!
Work with Joy, with gratitude and with Divine Love, and singing a song or a melody coming from the Higher octaves of Light that vibrates in your Souls, and be in a positive tune in your here-and-now, constantly, every moment, so that you can remain pure at all levels and in your 4 lower bodies.
07 June 2024, by Master Hilarion
When your Health suffers,
strengthen your work in Spirituality for the benefit of the Living Life, and
direct even more your gratitude and Divine Love to the Father One, and
repent before Him for everything sinned, and invite Him, sincerely ask and wish that He Forgives you and Absolves you!
This is the best Formula for Healing of your 4 lower bodies on all levels.
30 May 2024, by the Goddess of Studiousness
Learn constantly, practise what you have learned by applying it in your life, and train and strengthen your memory as you will need to have worked off these skills in the future.
23 May 2024, by Lady Master Portia
When you live in Gratitude and with Divine Love to the Father One, to our Heavenly Father Lord Alpha and your Higher Self, and to all the other Beings of Light from the Higher octaves of Light, and with a Blessing in your thoughts, feelings and words to all Living, Bright and Pure Souls,
you Abide in Welfare, Prosperity and Well-being.
21 May 2024, by Saints Equal-to-apostles Constantine and Helen
Dear children of Light with Living, Bright and pure Souls, when you do your Spiritual practices, the most important thing is to be with Faith – strong Faith in the Father One, and with all your Divine Love to Him so that you are goodfruitful in the Light network instead of thinking that your work in Spirituality is good, but it is actually equal to doing nothing, especially in case when you have other thoughts while doing it.
20 May 2024, by Babaji
Take for granted and as part of life everything that happens and thank the Father One for everything that happens as it is the best for the survival of the human race the way it was Created – in His image, after His likeness – of the Father One!
01 May 2024, by the Great Mother of the World
My dear children with Living, Bright and pure Souls,
When something bad is happening to you,
1) describe it on a piece of paper in blue ink and
2) thank the Father One in writing for what is happening/has happened, and invite Him, sincerely wish and ask for Help from Above, and
3) leave the situation in His hands and stop thinking about it.
After that invite, sincerely wish and ask the Angels-Messengers to take this letter of yours to the Father One and burn the paper.
And you will feel that you are relieved and feel better.
30 April 2024, by the Most Holy Mother of God
My dear children with Living, Bright and pure Souls, fill your life with Joy, even when it seems to you that it is missing in you and around you, because it is always there. And one of your main goals is to find it!
13 April 2024, by the Father One
My dear children with Living, Bright and pure Souls,
Stop talking unnecessary things – idle talk, condemning or any other illusory words, because in this way you waste precious energy – you scatter it in space and deprive yourself of it, and then your energy is not enough for you to do something important, which is to come.
And begin to be more silent to accumulate your energy as you will need to have as much energy as possible later in this incarnation, quite a few times!
11 April 2024, by Lord RA
It is best for your Health to always press the exit button of any open page and also of any social network after you finish your work in a certain site on the Internet because, otherwise, even if you are active only in one site on the Internet, if you have other windows/pages/programs open, the energy load for you is as if you are working and being in all of them at the same time! And your Internet time doubles, triples, etc. for the given time interval.
So, for example, if you are on the Internet for 5 minutes, but you have 5 pages or programs open, the load you take for these 5 minutes is the same as for 25 minutes of staying on the Internet in one site, even if you are actively working only in one of those 5 sites.
04 April 2024, by the Father One
My dear children with Living, Bright and Pure Souls,
work a lot, work hard, work by doing the highest quality labour that you are capable of, and put your Divine Love into it, but also take some time for rest and relaxation:
both passive by lying down in bed and stretching your body while thanking Me for everything
and active by walking in nature, in Joy and communion and in Unification with the Living life around.
This rest is a very important part of your work. Yes, I consider this work as well – on preserving your Health, and this labour is an important prerequisite for the rest of your labour to be Joyful and creating Good karma for you, which in turn makes you good-fruitful in the Light network!
31 March 2024, by the Great Mother of the World
Start doing your Spiritual Practices regularly and end their unfulfillment now, without any more delay!
This is extremely important because when you do your work in Spirituality, the representatives of the networks of the illusion lack access to you to harm you, including by:
=hindering and even interrupting the processes of healing, restoration and renewal that should be flowing in your 4 lower bodies constantly;
=introducing new or reinforcing the old harmful programs, encodings and blockages, harmful habits, persistent negative states of Consciousness and their harmful fruit and consequences.
16 March 2024, by the Father One
Be in positive tune and without condemnation to people; instead, be grateful to them, and speak kindly to them because through every person who you meet along the Path, you hear and learn something important, and you are helped to move ahead.
And your inner tune and degree of Consciousness, and behaviour are the main decisive factor how easy or hard and painful your movement forward will be, and whether there will be one at all, and also in which direction it will be!
13 March 2024, by Lord Rama
The work that needs to be done is always quite a lot. What is important is what kind of labour you are putting into it while doing it:
1) whether it is of high quality and in Joy, and with gratitude and Divine Love to the Father One,
2) or it is of low quality and a burden to you, and a useless waste of time.
Because in the first case, while you are working, you are creating Good karma, and in the second one – negative karma, as when people do something in the second way, they are in a negative tune instead of positive and put their energy in the networks of illusion instead of the Light network, and the product of their labour is full of such coloured energy, and they give a negative example for labour, and because this labour feeds laziness in the person instead of diligence, and Soul laziness instead of industriousness!
02 March 2024, by Lord Eliseya
Make it your goal to become and be more resilient to all kinds of burden, as it is coming, including burden on the psyche – emotional, and on your Soul as a whole, and on your physical body, that is burden on your 4 lower bodies. This, in turn, will increase the burden that will be taken by your Higher Self as well.
When you are forewarned and admit in your outer Consciousness that anything is possible, you are already one step ahead of everyone else. In this way, your Higher Self can also give you greater Help and Support, and through it – the other Ascended Beings of Light from the Higher Octaves of Light as well, as your connection with it (with your Higher Self) will be stronger and more resilient, and uninterrupted, which can happen under severe stress.
28 February 2024, by Maha Chohan
End condemnation 100%! This becomes the easiest when something happens, to be without commenting on it in any way, even as an exclamation, that is, work both internal and external restraint – Consciously, with an effort of the Will, so that you can do your job well in this incarnation and fulfil your Mission to the fullest.
26 February 2024, by Saint Elijah
Expect the unexpected, and be ready to meet it without stress, panic, horror, fear, rejection, disbelief, etc.
Be flexible and surviving.
Elevate your Consciousness and your level of Realisation of what is happening, and preserve your inner Peace, Harmony, Calm at a deep level and your positive tune, being in gratitude and Divine Love to the Father One constantly!
16 February 2024, by Lord Sanat Kumara
Live without fear of natural elements and they will bypass you without destroying you or hurting you, or harming you in any way.
And thank the Father One and send Him your Divine Love because you are being guarded so reliably and natural elements are bypassing you and are even in your Help and Support!
The same is true in relation to social unrest and upheaval!
03 February 2024, by Lord Surya
When you reach the most dangerous part of your journey on the White Path and start climbing up the narrower and steeper trail, you need to
1) be 100% focused and very careful where you step – at each step;
2) rest more often and take short breaks so that you are successful in 1);
3) and while moving (1), be in constant contact with your Higher Self, thanking it and sending it your Divine Love, and through your Higher Self – also with the Father One, to whom you fervently thank and send Him your Divine Love during all your rests (2).
22 January 2024, by the Father One
My dear children, stop telling one another what is wrong as there are too many representatives of the networks of the illusion that work day and night so that many things go wrong with you!
Instead, start rejoicing everything you achieve, with quiet Joy, and sharing it, and thanking Me that it happened, and sending Me your Divine Love!
Put an emphasis only on the positive things that happen and pay attention to them only, and share them so that they multiply. And after that, when you thank Me – the Father One, and send Me your Divine Love, they will Divinely multiply.
When unfavourable things happen, receive them calmly and without condemnation to others and yourself, when you have done something wrong, and immediately turn to Me with the following words:
Lord, I ……. (your name)
Forgive those who caused ……… (the unfavourable thing) to me.
Forgive them, too, my dear Father One,
and Forgive me as well everything I have sinned
that gives reason to the representatives of the networks of the illusion
to harm me, and Absolve me of my sins!
And I invite You, sincerely wish and ask, dear Father One,
that Support and Help from Above be given to me
so that I manage to handle everything/everything is handled
in the best way according to Your point of view!
And may all be according to Your Holy Will, Lord!
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
I Love You with all my heart and Soul, with all my Divine Love,
dear Father One! I bow to You!
I am sending You my Divine Love.
This is a new Spiritual practice that is done when unfavourable things happen, every time ‘something happens’, so that people can preserve their Spiritual calm and positive tune.
12 January 2024, by the Father One
My dear children, intensify your Divine Love and receive the Lord’s Love which flows to you from the Higher octaves of Light, more and more.
And the more you do it, the Healthier you will be – agile and mobile, hard-working and enduring labour!
20 December 2023, by the Father One
If you are feeling cold in any part of your body, and numbness, and pain, it is best for you to have live fire burning in a stove or fireplace in the room where you are. And in case you are without such, a candle should be burning, look at the flame, and then put it underneath the part of the body that is feeling numb or painful so that it gets lit and warmed up while you are thanking Me that you are getting free from the numbness and from the pain and sending Me your Divine Love.
14 December 2023, by the Great Mother of the World
Dear children of Light with Living, Bright and Pure Souls,
every morning when you get up, do something good – smile and send your Divine Love to the Father One, to Lord Alpha – your Heavenly Father, and to Mother RAIMA, and then to your Higher Self and to your Soul. And invite them, sincerely wish and ask that they all help and support you throughout the day, and thank them with all your heart.
When you start the day with good, it is a good day for you!
And when the day is good for you, it is also good for your close people and for the surrounding space and the Living Life in it!
12 December 2023, by Lord Maitreya
Protect your higher attunement and stop paying attention to the failures of life in the material world by having negative feelings and strong emotions in this regard. Because the more you put your precious Divine energy into them (the failures of life), the more they are reinforced.
Deal with your ‘failures’ and ‘problems’ in equanimity and with gratitude and Divine Love to the Father One for everything that happens and with zero negativity i.e. leave them without your energy nourishment. It is so simple!
And things will improve for you.
Try that and see for yourself.
08 December 2023, by the Most Holy Mother of God
My dear children with Living, Bright and Pure Souls, I love you all so much!
Today at noon from 12 to 1 pm, I am even closer to you, and I accept your requests for Help and Support. The Father One is giving Me greater Power at this moment so that I can fulfil them, according to His Holy Will and Great Mercy towards you.
And I came to remind you that the effect is always much stronger and more favourable for you when, in response to the Help you receive, you send us – the Father One and to Me, your Divine Love.
06 December 2023, by Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker
Have Divine Mercy and Compassion to your close people, support them on the Way when they need support and have asked for your help, and ask the Father One that Help from Above be given to them.
When you invite, sincerely wish and ask that Help from Above be given to your close ones, the Lord can Create Miracles through you!
04 December 2023, by Maha Chohan
Do more often 1) The Spiritual Practice 'Forgiveness with your Fellow Man' with your closest people as well as 2) The Spiritual Practice 'Repentance, Forgiveness and Gratitude in 7 Steps' regarding the mistakes you have made in your behaviour towards them, and also regarding all the bad behaviour you have had towards each other since the last time you did this Spiritual Practice until the current moment, and 3) The Word-formula of Gratitude to the Father One.
All this is important and very good to do so that the Representatives of the Networks of the Illusion lack a reason to harm you through the relations between you and your closest people because then they succeed in harming you the most!
01 December 2023, by the Elohim of Industriousness and Diligence with Lord Shiva
When you happen to be without the desire to work, it means that you are under the direct influence/interference of representatives of a network of the illusion! And this is a direct signal to you that right at this moment, you really need to start with double and triple efforts to work something that brings you Joy because then the interference stops!
Joyful labour keeps away from you those representatives of a particular network of the illusion who have specialised
= in instilling in people laziness* on the material plane (in the person’s physical body) and/or Soul laziness* on the subtle plane (in the three subtle bodies of his Soul), and
= in destroying in people the Divine quality of Industriousness – on the subtle plane, and the Divine quality of Diligence – on the material plane.
* The Christian religion declares laziness and Soul laziness as two of the mortal sins.
20 November 2023, by Master Koot Hoomi
Those of you who want to fast should most importantly do it in their Soul and avoid poisoning it (their Soul) with illusory thoughts, feelings, words and deeds.
And the role of the lenten fare is only to support this way of life in fasting at the Soul level!
13 November 2023, by Master Hilarion
When you are in Joy, Peace and Harmony, and Divine Love fills you before you go to sleep, then the processes of healing, regeneration and renewal in your 4 lower bodies take place much more effectively – faster and more completely. And they run longer when you sleep more hours before midnight.
And when before sleep and after you wake up, you thank and send your Divine Love
1) to Archangel Michael and his Angels of Protection for guarding and accompanying you to the place where you are being healed on the subtle plane, and
2) to Archangel Raphael and his Angels-Healers for healing, regenerating and renewing your 4 lower bodies in your sleep,
then energy is stored aside to heal, regenerate and renew you if necessary, in emergency, and during the day.
12 November 2023, by the Father One
When a person becomes negative in any way, it is best to:
1) first of all, thank Me and send his Divine Love to Me for the Help I give him so that he can free himself from this negativity,
2) and donate some amount of money to Me, according to his inner urge and his financial capabilities, setting it aside and periodically handing the collected money to where he gives his Lord’s tithe, together with it;
3) then, start working to clean something and say:
‘Lord, as I am cleaning ..… (says what he is currently cleaning),
may my 4 lower bodies be cleansed of the poison of negativity
on the occasion of ….. (and says what made him negative).’
20 October 2023, by the Goddess of Divine Wisdom
Use your financial means wisely, by giving some of it as a gift to the Lord so that you can receive larger Help and Support from Above in a critical moment.
19 October 2023, by the Great Divine Director
Think positive.
Stop thinking about how something cannot be done, and stop letting this be your first thought when you are assigned a task. When you think that something is hard for you to achieve, immediately start thinking about how it can be accomplished – what to do to make it happen. And it will happen!
When you are asked to do something, stop refusing in a straightforward way; instead, you can say, for example, ‘Yes, well, I agree, but I need to do ….. first, and only after that I will eventually be able to help you in case I am without the need to do anything urgent meanwhile. May we be Living and Healthy, everything else will happen in the right way, if it is according to the Lord’s Holy Will, and at the best time.’
18 October 2023, by the Father One
Live without judging and condemning and be positive so that you manage to completely do your work for the day without leaving any of it for the next day!
29 September 2023, by Lord Shiva
Stop thinking that you are without enough means to survive because Lord gives you everything you need at the right moment. Strengthen your Faith in the Father One instead, and send Him gratitude and Divine Love!
Stop the negative feelings and pessimism, as they prevent you from fulfilling the Mission with which you came into this incarnation, and it loses its meaning!
Stop harmful actions and inactions and above all the lack of sufficient labour and be fruitful in the network of Light with your deeds, because this increases the probability that you will be able to pass through the Portal of the Great Transition into the New World of the 6th human race.
18 September 2023, by Lady master Portia, the Goddess of Divine Justice
Be honest to yourself, to God and the Lord, and to all the other people.
Cultivate this Virtue as this enhances the state of Peace and Tranquillity in your Soul, and it enhances your Soul’s Health!
14 September 2023, by Lord RA
Alternate the main work you do during the day with moments of relaxation from it.
During this relaxation, walk or do some exercise to move if your work is stationary.
If your job is on your feet and you are constantly moving, lie down and relax, or if you cannot lie down, semi-lie down in a chair with your legs up on another chair.
And during this active or passive rest, thank the Father One for everything and send Him your Divine Love.
This brings you into Balance and Harmony and helps you to be calmer and much more productive.
09 September 2023, by Lord Alpha
My dear children with Living, Bright and Pure Souls, walk more to be healthy! A lot more than your almost lack of walking now. And alternate between fast, normal and slow walking, as well as walking on heels, on toes, and with the knee lifted.
08 September 2023, by the Most Holy Mother of God
My dear children with Living, Bright and Pure Souls!
Today, when the East Orthodox Church celebrates My birth in My incarnation when I became the mother of Lord Jesus, I have come to remind you that the best thing for you is to send Me your Divine Love only, without thanking me directly, as well as almost all other Ascended Beings of Light from the Higher octaves of Light.
You can thank directly only the Father One, Lord Alpha, Lord Shiva and the Angels and Archangels.
And when you turn to Me for Help and Support, it is best to thank Me indirectly afterwards by turning to the Father One and telling Him:
‘Dear Father One, thank You for Your Great Mercy by the force of which the Most Holy Mother of God helps me and watches over me with Her Angels!
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
I Love You with all my heart and Soul, with all my Divine Love!
I bow to You, Dear Father One!
I am sending You my Divine Love!’
And when you do this regularly, every day, My Help to you increases.
05 September 2023, by the Father One
My dear children, cease the negativity between yourselves and the lack of Divine Love! This will destroy you and your family. And embrace each other, and while you are in a hug, thank Me that any negative energy in your 4 lower bodies is turning into Light, and afterwards, send Me your Divine Love while you are still hugging each other. And finally, say the following to Me:
‘Dear Father One, help us Divinely multiply
the Divine Love between us!’
And may all be according to Your Holy Will, Lord!
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
We Love You with all our hearts and Souls, with all our Divine Love!
We bow to You, Dear Father One!
We are sending You our Divine Love!’
04 September 2023, by Lord Sanat Kumara
Trust your inner feeling, and when you dislike something, refrain from buying it or doing it.
If it is food – stop feeding yourself with it as otherwise, your feeding turns into eating, and what you eat is anger (poison) for your body, and it poisons you.
If it is a person – stop seeing them, and if this is impossible at the moment, keep contact with them to the minimum – in terms of frequency and duration, because there is a danger that you take in much more dangerous poison from them in energy, on the subtle plane, which will poison your Soul’s subtle bodies and burden you with whatever not – with negative karma, and/or with harmful programmes, encodings, blockages, harmful habits, persistent negative states of consciousness… And this happens with greater strength and in greater amount if you condemn them!
02 September 2023, by the Great Mother of the World
My dear children with Living, Bright and Pure Souls, safeguard the chastity in your thoughts so that your feelings are in chastity, too, and your deeds – as well. You lack even the slightest idea how important all this is and how much you need this Virtue – Chastity, to survive, so that your Souls can survive in your here and now and in what is coming.
27 August 2023, by Padma Sambhava
It is an important part of the growth and training of the Beings of Light from the Higher octaves of Light to have a series of incarnations in each of the major religions and Teachings on this planet and on other planets and to work off and achieve the perfections endowed in them. As these perfections have been given by Higher Ascended Beings of Light that had come in incarnation especially for that.
So, be tolerant and with acceptance of all religions and Teachings, without rejecting them or the people who follow them.
21 August 2023, by Lord Maitreya
When a member of the family/household/… has been out of home to work or on business and comes back home, it is best for them to avoid speaking to the others who are at home and first to take a shower and drink a lot of water, lie down to rest and meanwhile, in solitude, to do something that will raise their vibration and energy, i.e. something that brings joy to them, and only after that, they can feed themselves and communicate with the others, and all the others should ensure that the person has the moment of solitude and tranquillity after coming back home so that the person can come to his/her senses.
15 August 2023, by the Most Holy Mother of God
My dear children with Living, Bright and Pure Souls!
I Love you all so much!
And I am with you when you invite Me, sincerely wish and ask Me to give you Support and Help.
Give more gratitude and Divine Love, my dear ones, to the Father One and to Me for the more you do it, the more of My Angels can join, and thus, the increase and strengthen the Help I give you at any given time.
07 August 2023, by St. Ivan of Rila the Wonderworker
Be careful in terms of the water you drink – be without letting yourself or anyone else be in a negative mood in the room where your drinking water is so that you feel well, instead of bad, when you drink it afterwards!
And before you drink from it, when you open the vessel and pour yourself some water, hold the glass/bottle with the cap open in front of you, and thank silently the Father One for everything, and give Him your Divine Love, and only then drink it.
02 July 2023, by Portia – Goddess of Divine Justice
Forever leave the prison of your own limited thinking mainly in relation to your daily routine. And even it comes to that, try to see the situation from above and grasp with your inner sight a larger scale of the whole picture or at least a greater part of the overall picture instead of just one little piece of the puzzle. Because then your reaction will correspond to your thinking, i.e. it will be much more elevated. And this can change your life for the better.
24 June 2023, by Lord Surya
Spend 24 hours after the end of every 23rd date in Silence as much as possible, and send your energy to your Higher Self more often so that you can assimilate it in the best way from the Lord’s point of view for you. Because this energy comes in you after the end of the 23rd date with the Divine multiplication allotted to you according to what and how you did in these very important 24 hours from the month.
23 June 2023, by the Father One
Stop being tense about anything, and relax and reside in My hands so that I can support you in everything you do!
Let things happen on their own in your life, and thank Me, and give Me your Divine Love for everything as it is the best for you – always!
17 June 2023, by Lord RA
Learn from your forefathers’ experience.
Treasure their virtues and Divinely multiply them.
And be worthy continuators of the best from the Lord’s point of view ancestral skills, Wisdom, habits and customs!
06 June 2023, by the Father One
Accept things as they are!
Be unpretending to anyone for anything, and adjust to circumstances without letting that upset your balance!
And remain calm in any situation!
31 May 2023, by the Father One
My dear children with Living, Bright and Pure Souls!
I recommend that one day (24 hours) from the moment of Summer Solstice, Autumn Equinox, Winter Solstice, and Spring Equinox* you:
1) remain positive, without condemnation to anyone or anything, and without taking anybody’s side, i.e. equable and impartial;
2) be alone if possible, in silence and solitude, and
3) often give Me gratitude and your Divine Love, including with the Word-formula of Gratitude to the Father One, with all your heart and Soul.
Should this Recommendation of Mine be followed strictly, you will be much better off during the following three months! As your protection will be much stronger because of the Good Karma that you will create during that day.
* The UK Summer Solstice in 2023 is at 15:57 (BST) on 21 June.
The UK Autumnal Equinox in 2023 is at 07:50 (BST) on 23 September.
The UK Winter Solstice in 2023 is at 03:27 (GMT) on 22 December.
The UK Spring Equinox in 2024 is at 03:06 (GMT) on 20 March.
18 April 2023, by Lord Jesus
Live without disagreements between yourselves but in Kindness!
Lack anger, have patience!
And be in inner Peace and Calm, and Harmony with the Creation of the Father One!
All this improves your Health in Spirit, Soul and body, strengthens your Spiritual growth in the Light, and supports the fulfilment of the main Mission of your current incarnation.
I AM Jesus, with Great Love for all the people with Living, Bright and Pure Souls!
31 March 2023, by Master Koot Hoomi
Be generous to your close people!
And in case your financial income decreases, give them more than before because this balances the scales the soonest and helps you become financially stable again!
Be generous to the Lord!
And in case your financial income increases, the more Endowments you make to the Lord by giving them to those who have devoted their lives to serve Him (the Lord), the more certain it is that your financial income will be preserved, it will become more stable in the future and grow according to your generosity to the Lord.
26 March 2023, by the Most Holy Mother of God
My dear children with Living, Bright and Pure Souls, more walking is what you need but in nature, i.e. in the park, in the forest, on the field, etc., but while doing that, turn off your mobile phone and/or any other device you may have with you that gives you access and connects you to the Internet, navigation, mobile operator networks, and satellites. And walk on a terrain where you are without the possibility to get lost, but where there are few people at the time of your walk so that you are better in the rest of the day.
17 March 2023, by the Father One
Stop doing things at another time since you missed the first one!
Because it – the first time, is the best from the Lord's point of view for you and for the success of what you do.
03 March 2023, by Zarathustra
Make room in your personal space and take time in your life to surround yourselves with things/plants/animals that bring you Joy, and with people who are with pure unconditional Divine Love to you and are devoted and caring towards you, and you can rely on them in hard times!
And this is achieved most easily when you become such first.
But in case you are such and the people around you are without responding in the same way, you could, if you want, turn to the Father One and invite Him, sincerely wish and ask for the best from His point of view solution to that situation in your life. And every day give Him Gratitude and your Divine Love for that.
15 February 2023, by the Great Mother of the World
My dear children with Living, Bright and Pure Souls!
The gratitude and the Divine Love that you give to the Father are little! And you want to be well in every respect and all the time!
Correct this most important flaw, and your situation will start improving.
11 February 2023, by Saint Charalampius
Think before you do something whether the thought that you are going to do it brings Joy to your Soul. And if the answer is ‘yes’, do it.
Think before you say something whether the thought that you are going to say it brings Joy to your Soul and whether what you say will bring Joy to the Souls of the ones to whom you are saying it and to those who are around and will also hear it. If the answer is ‘yes’, say it!
Think when wish for something whether receiving it will bring Joy to your Soul – ask your Soul! And if the answer is confusion in your Soul instead of Joy and lightness, turn to God – your Higher Self, and the Lord, and say clearly and explicitly that you are renouncing this desire of yours, and invite, sincerely wish and ask the Father One to annul it so that you are without wasting your energy needlessly and pointlessly into the illusion, including so that you are better protected and taken care of until you step back on the Path in case you stray!
03 February 2023, by Lord RA
Consider whether you are doing everything that best prepares you to pass through the Portal of the Great Transition into the New World of the 6th human race, i.e. whether you have left yourself in the Lord’s hands, and whatever happens to you and around you, you are with your full Faith in the Father One that this is the best at that moment, and you thank Him for everything and send Him your Divine Love!
02 February 2023, by Saint Prophet Elijah
Open your hearts and Souls to God and the Lord, and raise and expand your Consciousness towards the universe – towards the Higher octaves of Light, so that every thought and feeling of yours may come from there, and your word may be sinless, and your deeds may be good-fruitful in the Light network!
29 January 2023, by the Goddess of Divine Wisdom
Dear people with Living, Bright and Pure Souls, live Wisely, and you will live more happily and longer!
23 January 2023, by the Father One
My dear children with Living, Bright and Pure Souls!
Live in Peace and agreement with each other, without condemnation to each other, and forgive each other everything, forgive yourselves as well – every day, more and more!
22 January 2023, by Lord Alpha
Get along well with your neighbours, where you live, be respectful to them and very polite, with all your heart, i.e. your kind behaviour to them should be sincere and natural, whatever they are, and be without condemnation to them, whatever they do, so that both you and your descendants are Healthy in Spirit, Soul and body!
16 January 2023, by Buddha of the Universe
Until a job is completed, you had better be without talking about it, whoever asks you about anything, even about the smallest detail of your upcoming work, be it somebody else’s as well, so that this work can be successful, without failures and delays, or protraction in time, without being impossible to complete for a long time, and you are without being envied for it, etc.
13 January 2023, by the Father One
Rejoice and thank Me, and give Me your Divine Love especially intensively when the 13th day of the month falls on a Friday! Since this is related to something really Holy for you.
Jesus allowed to be killed and died on Friday. And with this self-sacrificing act, he redeemed part of the negative karma of the whole mankind. And the number 13 is the number of the Teacher in Spirituality – as Jesus was to His 12 disciples.
And the more you give gratitude and Divine Love to Lord Jesus and Me – the Father One, on such a day, the more most wonderful things will happen to you then!
11 January 2023, by Beloved Portia, Goddess of Divine Justice
Repent sincerely, with all your heart and Soul before the Father One, every day, for everything you have sinned in all times so far, including in the Intermediate time, in which you are living here and now, and also for everything sinned by you in all your previous incarnations before your current one.
So that you may be Forgiven and there are fewer reasons for the representatives of the various networks of the illusion to attack you and harm you.
09 January 2023, by Lord Surya
Remember the Teaching of the White Path that I gave* you, and give Gratitude and Divine Love to your Teacher on the subtle plane from the Higher octaves of Light every day, a few times a day is even better, and to the Father One as well, for the Support and Help from Above that you constantly receive from them so that they will continue to give them in the future, more and more, the more you give them your Gratitude and Divine Love!
* See the Messages from 09 April 2011 and 26 March 2013.
07 January 2023, by Guan Yin
Take time to walk, alone, in silence and away from the domes of human settlements and roads on which cars are going, i.e. walk where there are only few people!
And the more often you do it, the better you will feel afterwards – you will be healthier, more capable and more efficient at work.
30 December 2022, I AM Babaji
Live without leaving yesterday’s work for tomorrow! And do it today in case you missed doing it yesterday for whatever reasons.
And do today’s work today without putting it off for a single day!
And work with the highest quality, with Joy and in Divine Love! So that you are Healthy in Spirit, Soul and body and good-fruitful in the Light network.
26 December 2022, by Lord Jesus
Love the Lord more than anything else in this world, with your Divine Love!
Love God more than yourself, with Divine Love!
Love with your Divine Love your close people as well who are with Living, Bright and Pure Souls, and the Living Life on this planet as you Love God!
25 December 2022, by Lord Jesus
Every person with a Living, Bright and Pure Soul should always be prepared to present themselves before the Father. And this thought should always be the dominant one in their life and define their other thoughts, as well as feelings and deeds!
09 December 2022, by the Great Mother of the World
My dear children with Living, Bright and Pure Souls, the evolution continues infinitely, and energy remains in this universe – it only flows from one form into another and from one place to another!
And only new beginnings are initiated when the end of something has come.
08 December 2022, by the Most Holy Mother of God
My dear children with Living, Bright and Pure Souls, I Love you so much!
Send your Divine Love to Me so that I can support you together with My Angels along your Path and help you even more when you invite us, sincerely wish and ask for Support and Help.
This is the most important that I wanted to tell you and remind you of today.
01 December 2022, by Maha Chohan
Take the events around the world calmly and stay at a distance from anything that is happening. And protect yourself a lot from taking anyone’s side!
As all of you – the embodied Beings of Light with Living, Bright and Pure Souls that accept the Teaching given to you from Above from the Higher octaves of Light, are above anything earthly that the illusion is playing in its theatre in your here and now.
20 November 2022, by Buddha of the Universe
You need to be equable to anybody and anything. And accepting things the way they are.
From the point of view of the Father One, everything is always exactly as it should be!
And it is your job to be impartial observers and to approach everyone equally well, with kindness and with the Consciousness that everybody is right for themselves and measures by their own yardstick. And also that everything in your material world is a theatre for the fools – if anyone believes it/gets misled, it is at their own expense!
Be wise and preserve your energy!
17 November 2022, by Lord Sanat Kumara
Your immunity improves the most when you do what you are told by the Father One through His Commandments and Laws and through everything else given by Him and by us – the Ascended Beings of Light from the Higher octaves of Light, in the Teaching that you have been getting gradually through Thoughts, Guidance and everything else on the UNIFICATION website.
16 November 2022, by Lordess Pallas Athena
Be straightforward with other people with Living, Bright and Pure Souls and share with them precisely how you feel and what you think so that you are in God.
Otherwise, you doom them to suppose what you think on a certain matter/issue, and very often their judgments are wrong.
Stop misleading your close people in Spirit and be open so that you all live well, in Peace and Harmony, and can work off and enhance this Virtue in your life!
15 November 2022, by Lord Alpha
My dear children, stop the tension and stress regarding anything and especially while working as they are useless and dangerous. Tension and stress are without helping you in any way, including in completing your work in the best way from the Lord’s point of view, but they disturb your Health a lot – they actually destroy it just like the hurricane devastates the areas it hits.
Stop your inner hurricane before you have caused even greater harm to yourselves!
Work calmly and in Joy so that your work is Karma-yoga and creates you Good Karma. And often thank and send your Divine Love to the Father One and Me so that the harm on your 4 lower bodies from working and living in distress and tension is removed!
14 November 2022, by the Great Mother of the World
My dear children with Living, Bright and Pure Souls!
Look for the valuable and worthy in every person, and when you find it, tell it to them, and thank them when they manifest it in their relationship with you, as then, you help the person re-enforce it and aim at acquiring other perfections!
13 November 2022, by Padma Sambhava
Everything you do at any time should be done by priority! Do the work with the highest priority first, meet the people with the highest priority in your life at the moment, and in the first place and mostly, do what brings joy to your close ones. This is the highest, highest priority!
But always remember that your communication with God and the Lord and your relationship with them, as well as your work in Spirituality, come before everything of the highest priority!
12 November 2022, by the Great Divine Director
Steer the ship of your life by keeping it away from reefs and whirlpools. Be constantly awake and alert and keep a firm grip on the steering wheel. And in times of storm, give your gratitude and Divine Love to the Father One, with all your heart and Soul, the more and more often, the better!
10 November 2022, by Archangel Michael
Guard yourself above all against condemning anybody and anything, including yourselves, as condemnation is directly related to your life span!
The more, the stronger and the longer a person with a Living, Bright and Pure Soul is in condemnation, the sooner, prematurely and even suddenly the exit of his incarnation will come!
07 November 2022, by Master Morya
Always think one step ahead about what would happen if you said something or did something, and how would that be accepted, and what would the effect be on those who you are talking or doing it to and also on their close people and the people around them who are present at that moment and hear what you are saying, and/see what you are doing. And only then speak and do, only when the effect is good and you would have liked it if someone said or did something similar to you.
06 November 2022, by Lord Maitreya
Masters teach their students through their personal example. And parents – their children. And the Lord teaches everyone through the example of those who have devoted their lives to serving Him.
The ones who are observant enough are aware of what the student, the child and the whole humanity are to go through by paying attention to what the Master, the parents and the Holy people Devoted to the Father are going through in advance!
30 October 2022, by the Father One
Peace, Meekness and Kindness – you need to have this as your motto and a way of life, and behaviour,
and this is the best for you,
and it is your best Service,
my dear children with Living, Bright and Pure Souls!
29 October 2022, by Buddha Vairochana
Go with the flow of events that are coming, preserving your Harmony, inner Peace and Calm, and be without any condemnation and without saying who is wrong and who is right so that you can live through the Intermediate time, the Time, and the Halftime and continue living after that as well!
23 October 2022, by Buddha of the Universe
I AM Buddha of the Universe.
When you feel a greater Joy, take it into yourself at an inner deep level, without disturbing your Peace and Quiet, without sudden outbursts and without any violent outward manifestation of this Joy. Because this is also a trap for taking a very large part of your Energy of Joy away from you when you shoot it violently in the space around you as then, it goes far and becomes easy prey to all the vultures that are hanging around you on the subtle plane looking forward to any more violent positive or negative reaction, to any sharper or stronger deviation from the state of Equanimity, Harmony and Balance, Peace and Quiet!
22 October 2022, by the Father One
Wherever you go, be gentle, sincerely rejoice and admire other people’s successes, achievements and joy, and communicate it to them! Do it selflessly so that it becomes part of your being. Only then will you acquire all this, and even more than that, as a quantity/volume of what you are rejoicing in other people without any specific efforts and without even seeking to achieve such successes!
21 October 2022, by the Great Divine Director
Be especially careful about safeguarding the Peace and Quiet in you, deeply in you.
This is achieved most easily by keeping yourself pure from regrets, worries, grief, anxiety, etc., as all of these are highly harmful to you, 100% planted in you by the representatives of the networks of the illusion, and through them, you lose some of your precious energy. And afterwards, it is very easy to disturb your inner Peace and Quiet, which are the greatest stronghold/protectors of your energy.
16 October 2022, by the Father One
Try to rhyme your word when you speak because this is beneficial to certain brain centres and leads to improving memory!
Every day create short poems, and after some time, which is individual for everyone, you will feel that you are starting to remember more and better, and with ease more and more information, and you are without forgetting it for a long time afterwards!
However, keep in mind that those of you who make poems and this work they do brings them joy will be more successful than the ones who do it almost as an antidote against forgetfulness – in this case, they’d better avoid doing it at all!
15 October 2022, by Lord Shiva
Organise your life so that you live it with ease, without any unnecessary obstacles and encumbrance with anything, i.e. make things simpler instead of more complicated, and you will be much better, healthier and more successful in your life!
14 October 2022, by Lady Master Portia
When you borrow money from close people or acquaintances, and you are without the possibility to pay back this debt soon, the best is immediately, starting from the following month, to begin paying back this debt and any other debt, even in very small amounts, with a very little sum which is without burdening you and making your subsistence difficult, but you should do it regularly, every month!
In this way, you avoid being in debt to this person as you are in the process of paying back, and this is very important because:
1) that way, you immediately become the owner of what you have bought or done with this money, and in the opposite case, the owner would be the one who gave you the loan until you pay it back; but if, meanwhile, this person loses their purity, then what you have bought/done with this money can make you feel bad and you will be unaware where this evil came from!
2) you stop the possibility for anyone to withdraw from your energy because those who are without paying their debts in materiality pay them back on the subtle plane – in energy. And this happens automatically!
10 October 2022, by the Father One
My dear children with Living, Bright and Pure Souls, in case you are without condemnation and without any irritation to those who are harming you in our life in any way, they will stop doing that!
09 October 2022, by Master Koot Hoomi
Prepare for a more difficult life: both in materiality with anything that is necessary and in your outer Consciousness – prepare to remain calm and accept whatever is happening so that it passes you by without happening to you!
06 October 2022, by Master Morya
Stop thinking that something bad is happening to you in your life!
Work off to perfection Calmness by strengthening your Faith in the Lord that everything happening to you is good and it needs to happen to you, and the only thing which is the best for you to do is to give Gratitude and your Divine Love to the Father One for anything!
03 October 2022, by Elohim Cyclopea
Live in such a way that you bring Joy to your parents so that they bless you both when they are alive and after they make the transition. As the parents’ blessing is most widely heard on Heavens! And Help and Support from Above are given in greater amount to the people who have been blessed by their parents.
And when the child rejoices his/her parents, then the power of the parents’ blessing is many times greater!
02 October 2022, by Maha Chohan
Increase the bringing down of Divine examples from the Higher Octaves of Light every day of your life in this material world so that the Living Life survives, and other decisions that are more favourable and good-fruitful from the Lord’s point of view are taken by the statesmen on this planet in the future.
01 October 2022, by Master Koot Hoomi
Live in Peace and with Divine Love toward your close ones and treat them with Kindness, Mercy, Meekness, Tenderness and Attention, and take care of them as you take care of yourself so that your Soul is Healthy. Because when your Souls are Healthy and without suffering, your bodies are Healthy and without suffering, too!
30 September 2022, by Beloved Lanello
Direct the lives of your closest people toward abiding by the Lord’s Commandments and Laws, yourself abiding by them first and foremost so that all of you are fine!
29 September 2022, by the Father One
Make your work schedule so that every day, at the end of the day, you have enough time to clean your home and especially the places where you do your Spiritual practices, where you sleep at night and where you prepare your food and eat.
17 September 2022, by the Goddess of Divine Diligence and Persistence
Dear children of Light with Living, Bright and Pure Souls!
Work without delay or hesitation when you begin any work, especially when, before you start it, you have invited, sincerely wished and asked the Father One that Help from Above be given to you and support be given to you as you do it. Because such help is actually given to you, and precious energy is used so that everything is the best for you while working!
That is why it would be good to work nimbly so that only the necessary energy is used.
11 September 2022, by the Most Holy Mother of God
My dear children with Living, Bright and Pure Souls!
It is very good for you to manage to restrain yourself when some negativity pours over you, and you are without getting into any irritations, worries, regrets and anxieties, anger, aggression, condemnation, etc. and without manifesting them outwardly.
It is even better when you manage to be internally calm, kind and peaceful. Actually, this is most important. And you can achieve it!
For this purpose, you need to tune yourself in a way that when such an impulse comes from the outside and you feel the beginning of negativity/irritation, you are Conscious about what is happening and you can say, ‘this is an illusion, just some more pressure over me, and I decide to remain calm’. And when you say this out loud and declare it, it happens because the illusion is disclosed and retreats!
And after that, you should start doing your work again with concentration, without any side thoughts, and 100% Consciously leave the situation in the Lord’s hands with all your Faith in the Father One!
10 September 2022, by the Most Holy Mother of God
My dear children with Living, Bright and Pure Souls!
It would be good if you wash your hair, and men – their beard, too – those who have a beard, and also any exposed parts of your body when you return home after any business outside in case you are without the possibility to bathe your whole body, which is the best.
This is very important for your Health and good sleep when you go to sleep.
09 September 2022, by Archangel Michael
Remember every morning and every evening to invite Me, sincerely invite and ask that Protection be given to you by My Angels-Guardians so that you feel better.
Many of you fail to do so, and it is important that you are protected not only when danger is threatening you but constantly so that dangers stay away from you!
08 September 2022, by the Most Holy Mother of God
My dear children with Living, Bright and Pure Souls!
Strengthen your Faith in God – in the Father One. This is very important for every one of you, and in the future, it will be like a lifebelt for you during the events that lie ahead.
And work off and keep your firm conviction that everything that is happening is allowed by God, and there is a sound reason for it.
And when you thank Him and send Him your Divine Love for everything, the events turn into goodfruitful ones for you!
07 September 2022, by the Goddess of Divine Diligence and Persistence and successful completion of the work that is good according to the Lord’s point of view
It would be good if you always have lists of the activities that you need to do and you are always aware of which work has the highest priority at the moment and do exactly it. And to be without forgetting, usually under the influence of representatives of networks of the illusion, some of your permanent commitments and the ones that are for a specific day and time!
And sort them by the types of activities – daily, ongoing, urgent – that have the highest priority; activities for the day, week, month; activities for a specific day and time; conditional activities to read periodically and complete when the condition occurs.
Thus, you will be much more successful in your work, without lapses and mistakes, and your Soul will be much more relaxed, you will eliminate a great deal of the stress, and you will be healthier as well as financially better off.
06 September 2022, by Padma Sambhava
Learn to live in the future, as much as you can and ever more, without using the ‘crutches’ that the illusion complaisantly offers you so that you can continue your evolution successfully in the New World of the 6th human race!
04 September 2022, by Lord Alpha
My dear children with Living, Bright and Pure Souls, work without tension and stress but with Joy and in Divine Love.
Sleep peacefully, and before sleeping, thank the Father One for everything with the Word-Formula of Gratitude, and say to yourself that you have coped well. And remember 3 positive things that you did during the day, and invite, sincerely wish and ask the Father One that Help from Above be given to you to be even more successful on the next day!
Send Gratitude and Divine Love to your Higher Self and to Archangel Michael and his Angels of protection, and to Archangel Raphael and his Angels-Healers, and sleep with Peace in your Souls!
03 September 2022, by Maha Chohan
Stop getting angry and getting into the scenario of the illusion.
Be flexible and stay calm.
And remember that every situation can be good-fruitful for you when you thank the Father One for it and send your Divine Love to Him the sooner, the better, right at the beginning, when the negativity starts to develop and grow, be it within yourself or around you.
02 September 2022, by the Father One
My dear Children,
The quality of the work you do in your here and now in the material world while you are in incarnation determines the quality of the work in spirituality that you do during sleep in the Higher octaves of Light – very important and responsible work. Keep that in mind. It is very worthwhile whatever you work in materiality, to do it with all your heart and with the highest quality, every day and day after day!
01 September 2022, by Lord RA
Protect the Tranquillity in your Souls and be very careful – to be without letting anything disturb you. And without letting any anxieties overwhelm you.
The antidote against all these anxieties is your Faith in the Lord – in the Father One:
1) when you leave yourself unconditionally in His hands and Believe that He will Save you and you will survive, and that what happens to you is the best!
2) and when you give Him Gratitude and your Divine Love with all your heart and Soul for everything that happens to you!
30 August 2022, by the Father One
Do things on time or at the right time, when there is a certain time, so that you are well and without unnecessary suffering later and having difficulty doing the given thing, or even being without the possibility to do it!
27 August 2022, by Beloved Zarathustra
Make continuous progress – without interruptions and with the highest quality of your work in all your affairs, even though it may seem to you that it is happening slowly. What is important is to do them in Joy, Kindness and Peace with yourself and with the others!
26 August 2022, by the Father One
Stop condemning anybody about anything, as it is very likely that they are forced to do so and are without a choice and without the possibility to exercise their free will!
21 August 2022, by Lord Surya
When you perform any Spiritual practices, it would be very good if it becomes your habit to send your Gratitude and Divine Love to the Father One immediately after that with the Word-formula of Gratitude.
Then, the goodfruitful effect of these Spiritual practices will be even greater, as well as their power, both on the subtle plane and on the material plane!
20 August 2022, by Lord Surya
It would be good for you to thank the Ascended Beings of Light from the Higher octaves of Light, including your Higher Self, for the Gifts that they have given you anonymously on the subtle plane on your birthday, at your birth hour, and to send them your Divine Love as often as you can throughout the year, until your next birthday, so that these Gifts are active and Help and Support you along the Path.
Since everyone receives Gifts on the subtle plane on their birthday, and the action of the Gifts in respect to the person him/herself depends on their attitude to them and to the ones who gave the Gifts to them!
19 August 2022, by Master Morya
Be without aggression to any animal and without causing them any harm, and especially toward the animals that belong to one of the networks of the illusion, so that you live longer, in better Health and without unnecessary suffering!
14 August 2022, by the Most Holy Mother of God
My dear children with Living, Bright and Pure Souls, I Love you so much!
The most important thing that you need to work well during the day is to have slept well at night!
It would be very good if you go to sleep earlier and have more hours of night sleep until 3 o’clock astronomical time and 4 o’clock daylight saving time when you need to get up and prepare for the day. Then you are well during the day and able to work efficiently, and you are able to get a lot more work done.
06 August 2022, by Lord Sanat Kumara
It is of the utmost importance in relation to your work on the subtle plane as a team with the Beings of Light from the Higher Octaves of Light that your relationships on the material plane are harmonious and filled with Divine Love! It is about:
1) your relationship with God and the Lord, i.e. with your Higher Self and with the Father One, and with your Heavenly Father Lord Alpha;
2) the relationship among the members of your family and your kin;
3) your relationship with all other Higher Ascended Beings of Light and Ascended Light Beings from the Higher Octaves of Light;
4) the relationship between you and all other Beings of Light from the Higher Octaves of Light currently embodied, i.e. your relations with your fellow beings on the material plane;
5) your relationship with everyone else, i.e. with representatives of the networks of the illusion, to also be harmonious, i.e. without any negativity, and you to be in equability with them and their illusory manifestations!
Everything else is without any significant importance! Always keep that in mind!
06 August 2022, by the Father One
Think before you say anything whether:
You have been asked for the advice you are about to give.
You will take sides with what you are about to say right now.
Your words will express regret about something.
There is any worry behind your words.
You are saying something that shows your resentment.
Your words will hurt the other person, you will make them feel sorry or worried, or you will trap them into taking sides.
You are misleading the other person with your words.
By speaking up, you are bringing the person into other negativity, such as anger, condemnation, jealousy, etc.
You are using your words to incite the other person to make deeds dangerous for him – actions or inactions, etc.
Think because each of the above causes you to lose some of your own energy and get a karmic burden.
The same applies to the written word – it is also part of the Word. So, think carefully about what you write to anyone!
01 August 2022, by the Great Mother of the World
I have come to remind you, dear children with Living, Bright and Pure Souls, to see only the good manifestations everywhere and to rejoice in them. And to leave everything illusory without any attention, and to be equable to all these manifestations, and in silence. And immediately to direct your thought back to Good.
Thus, your inner protection is increased, and also you are without giving reasons to the representatives of the illusion to harm you.
31 July 2022, by Lord RA
Rejoice, dear children with Living, Bright and Pure Souls!
The more you rejoice and bring joy to your close people, the more Joy you feel and comes to you in your life in the form of various joyful events.
And this is so because Joy has the property to be multiplied and Divinely multiplied.
It is multiplied when a person shares it with their close people who are with Living, Bright and Pure Souls. It is Divinely multiplied when a person shares it with their Higher Self and the Ascended Beings of Light from the Higher octaves of Light!
30 July 2022, by Archangel Michael
You have been told that every morning you should invite Me, sincerely wish and ask that you are given increased protection during the day. In the evening, before going asleep, you should do the same so that you have increased protection during the night as well.
But this can only happen if you make sure my Angels can protect you.
Your most important concern in this regard is to have a way of life that leads to saving your energy and stopping its wasting in the illusion yourselves, of your own will and of your own choice.
And this waste of energy occurs when you give yourself all kinds of ‘pleasures’ that break your protection, such as watching TV/movies or staying on the Internet right before sleep at night or staying on social networks on the Internet during the day, during your work time.
29 July 2022, by Saint Prophet Elijah
Everyone with a Living, Bright and Pure Soul can get free from everything harmful and illusory in their life if they aspire to that and invite, sincerely wish and ask the Higher Beings of Light from the Higher octaves of Light to give them constantly Help and Support from Above during their progress along the Path of Spiritual growth.
Remember these Words of mine!
There is no such thing as an unsalvageable situation!
When the person is with a Living, Bright and Pure Soul and wants to be saved, and turns to the Lord for Help and Support to be given to them along their Path to God and the Lord, they are always given that!
28 July 2022, by Lord Shiva
If a person feels that they are sinking in the illusion and it is sucking them in, but they want to stop the suffering of their Living, Bright and Pure Soul, they could turn to Me and invite Me, sincerely wish and ask that Support and Help from Above are given to them to get free from everything illusory in their life and that it turns 100% into Light.
And the more often they do it and then send Me their gratitude and Divine Love, the better!
24 July 2022, by Lord Eliseya
Have the greatest Respect and Esteem for every Word of Ours, coming to you from the Ascended Beings of Light from the Higher Octaves of Light in the form of a Thought, Guidance, Message, Answer to a Question, Spiritual Practice, so that it can be a valuable helper along your Path.
And after reading it, thank and give your Divine Love to that Ascended Being of Light from the Higher Octaves of Light who gave it, so that the Help He/She gives you may be Divinely multiplied.
23 July 2022, by Lord Surya
Write more and more legibly and beautifully with each succeeding day because this helps you raise your Consciousness with much greater ease, and thus, your chance of making the best decisions in your life from the Lord’s point of view increases many times.
16 July 2022, by the Great Mother of the World
Dear children with Living, Bright and Pure Souls!
Be extremely careful regarding sexual energy – the Energy of Creation, as it is part of the Energy of your Life.
Accumulate it through periods of sexual continence, for example when observing fast,
and multiply it and have it Divinely multiplied through correct from the Lord’s point of view performing of the sexual intercourse between the husband and wife having said to the Lord in advance the prayer* given to you specifically for this occasion.
And live without wasting it as this shortens your life in your current incarnation and decreases your chance to fulfil the Mission you have come with!
* See Q&A 53 from 13 September.
15 July 2022, by Lord RA
in your heart the Divine Love, Courage and Devotion to the Father One;
in your Soul – Joy, Gratitude and Peace;
in your mind – Wisdom, Foresight and Vigilance;
in your body – Industriousness, Agility and Dexterity
and strengthen and perfect them daily through all your thoughts, feelings, words, and deeds!
11 July 2022, by the Great Divine Director
Each of your thoughts, feelings, words, and also each of your actions or lack of actions bring you closer or further from the entrance to the New World of the 6th human race.
10 July 2022, by the Goddess of Divine Freedom with Lord Shiva
Love with Divine Love all your deceased close ones who are in the Light network. Forgive them everything they have sinned against you, and invite, sincerely wish and ask the Lord to forgive them and absolve them!
And invite, sincerely wish and ask them to help you from the subtle plane to free yourself from what they have harmed you with. Thus, they will also karmically pay off and be freed from this burden, and it will be easier for you to continue along the Path of your Spiritual Growth.
And during all this time, thank them and send them your Divine Love for the help because in this way, you support them to be able to help you even more to free yourself more easily, sooner and from much more than they have harmed you regarding the same thing!
09 July 2022, by the Father One
Be without any expectations to anyone when they need to deal with/solve a problem of theirs of any type. Make neither good – optimistic, nor bad – pessimistic forecasts!
Give the person the possibility to act independently, without any energy interference from your Creative energy.
Be equal! The best thing when someone has to deal with something in life is:
to stop talking about them in relation to this
and to stop even thinking about them in relation to this thing and in general as well!
Thus, you will be without getting any karmic load in case the person fails, and you have helped this to happen through your thoughts and speaking if you have doubted they would manage to deal with the situation.
The opposite is also true and creates negative karma for you – when you put your energy in the person’s success, and he really succeeds, but as this is not his own achievement, later on, this very person may be ‘put in a pickle’ in a much worse way. This is so as after they manage the first time, the bar will be raised, and a much more powerful representative of a network of the illusion will start to harm them and cause problems to them. And then, the person will be almost without a chance to handle the problem, and when they are harmed, it is much more probable that the harm is much worse than if they were harmed the first time when they had the chance to manage themselves. And when they try a second time, a third time, they can manage and grow up and become able to handle problems that are much more complex!
08 July 2022, by Archangel Michael
Learn, right after you wake up in the morning and also before your night sleep, to build better protection.
A person can achieve this when they use all their power and might on the subtle plane when making protective tubes of white-fiery Light around their 4 lower bodies, being completely concentrated and after first having invited, sincerely wished and asked that their Higher Self helps them.
07 July 2022, by Beloved Zarathustra
Accept the events of life calmly and easily, without getting tense, nervous and bothered about anything.
And learn to communicate much more often with the Lord and with God, i.e.:
thank them – the Father One and your Higher Self,
and send them your Divine Love,
and talk to them – regularly inform them about difficulties you have and invite, sincerely wish and ask them to support you along the Path so that you can move ahead faster and more easily, and to help you where you cannot manage on your own.
06 July 2022, by the Father One
Work without lingering; otherwise, the representatives of the networks of the illusion will speed up your time.
Lingering is doing things that waste people’s time, and they can’t work on any of the tasks set to them; instead, they do something of little importance, and their time flies away and finishes very soon without any left for the important things to be done!
05 July 2022, by the Goddess of Divine Justice
Be without condemnation of the deeds (actions and lack of actions) of people, peoples, political parties and states.
Be without giving evaluations of who is wrong and who is right as you are without the Clear Vision representatives of which networks of the illusion are behind all these decisions about actions and lack of actions, and what their point of view is.
Be without standing between the slaps during arguments. Usually, these arguments are between representatives of different networks of the illusion, and whichever side you decide to support, it will always be you – the people with Living, Bright and Pure Souls that will be the biggest losers!
And you even lack the idea of how much you can lose!
All this theatre is played by the representatives of different networks of the illusion precisely for this reason – to trick the Beings of Light with Living, Bright and Pure Souls in disputes, conflicts, critical situations, etc., so that they start putting in them their too precious Divine energy themselves. Thus, these people get karmically burdened as well, which in turn gives even greater access to them to the representatives of the networks of the illusion.
Make your own conclusions!
03 July 2022, by Buddha of the Universe
We give to the one who has so that what he has is reinforced and can be preserved afterwards.
If We give to someone who is without the thing that he is given, then he loses it! Yes, because this thing is very quickly taken away from him by the representatives of the networks of the illusion as it is far from being his achievement, and on the subtle plane, this person lacks the worked-off mechanism for the protection of this thing!
03 July 2022, by Elohim Peace
Be extremely Kind to all people, whatever they are, so that both your physical body and your Living, Bright and Pure Soul can survive!
Be Peaceful, agree with them so that they are without becoming aggressive!
Tell them they are right as this is always a true statement in relation to the other person – from their point of view, so that you are without the need to engage in any disputes, explanations, arguments, etc. and without having to defend your point of view. Because your point of view is much above theirs. If you closely follow the Teaching We are giving you from the Higher octaves of Light, your point of view is the Divine one!
26 June 2022, by Lord Eliseya
Think in advance before you undertake your next step in life, and act so that you are in unison with the Lord’s Commandments and Laws. They have been given for your own protection and for your survival until the moment comes for your passing through the Portal of the Great Transition, and also for you to succeed in going to the New World of the 6th human race instead of somewhere else, in a world with lower vibration and energy, which, however, will correspond precisely to your own energy and vibration levels at this moment, which is the most important for every Living, Bright and Pure Soul, in case they are lower than the ones of the New World of the 6th human race!
19 June 2022, by Elohim Hiponion*
Work in Joy, work at your own will, without waiting to be told! Look yourselves and always find something to work, and do it by working with high quality so that the fruits of your labour are Good and bring Joy to your Soul and to the Souls of your loved ones, as well as to all Living, Bright and Pure Souls who touch the fruits of your labour!
This is a recipe for good Health, Youth and Longevity, and also a recipe for preserving your Industriousness by living without condemnation to the ones who lack this Divine quality.
* Elohim Hiponion is an Elohim with Lord Alpha. His Specialty is Industriousness as a Lord’s Quality, and His Greatest Strength is precisely on this Ray – the Ray of Industriousness.
One of his incarnations is Paisiy Hilendarski (or Paisius of Hilendar).
17 June 2022, by the Great Divine Director
Purify your Temples – your 4 lower bodies to get ready for life on a higher energy and vibration level in the New World of the 6th human race on the planet RAIMA.
Whoever succeeds is as if he got an entrance ticket to be admitted right there!
16 June 2022, by the Great Mother of the World
Dear children with Living, Bright and Pure Souls
Keep your Purity in your relationships by treating each other with Respect, Mercy, Kindness and Divine Love.
And instead of guessing what the other one thinks and being worried or regretting about anything, ask them outright, and you will find out what an illusory manifestation everything that worried you was!
15 June 2022, by the Father One
Focus your attention onto the Purity from illusory manifestations:
of your thoughts and feelings;
of your speech;
of your work;
of your home and belongings;
of the space around you.
This is a very important part of your work in Spirituality which has a very high priority!
13 June 2022, by Lord RA*
It is very important that as many of you as possible survive – people with Living, Bright and Pure Souls, and with the bodies from your last incarnation in your here and now to cross the Portal of the Great Transition to the New World of the 6th human race.
For this reason, my Recommendation to all of you is to follow the Teaching given to you on the UNIFICATION website precisely for this purpose, very accurately and completely to prepare you to go through the Great Transition. And apply this Teaching, coming from the Higher octaves of Light, more and more so that you may succeed in fulfilling this primary and most important Mission of yours and open up endless possibilities for your further evolution!
* Lord RA is a Being of Light of the highest order/rank, close to the Father One.
Lord RA is the Supreme Lord-God of the Sun and Light in the oldest ancient Egyptian mythology, and also in Atlantis during the 4th human race and then with the Thracian people, who are direct descendants of the surviving Atlanteans – Beings of Light in the Light Network and priests of Lord RA in the temples of Light in Atlantis.
12 June 2022, by Lord Sanat Kumara
When you read the Messages, Guidance, Questions and Answers, Thoughts, Spiritual Practices, etc., given by the Beings of Light from the Higher Octaves of Light, with gratitude and Divine Love for Us,
1) this facilitates our work on the subtle plane, which we do together while you sleep, in fulfilment of the Providence of the Father One, and
2) it makes it easier for us to help and support you in life when you invite, sincerely wish and ask for Help from Above.
And the more you read Our Teaching on the UNIFICATION website, Help from Above can be given to you more easily, in greater amount and immediately.
11 June 2022, by the Goddess of Divine Diligence and Perseverance
Dear children with Living, Bright and Pure Souls, live in inner peace without letting the representatives of the networks of the illusion lead you into internal irritation with one another and then regret that you have worsened your relationship and lost your harmony.
As mostly because of your regrets, you lose a lot more energy than you think, and you run out of energy to finish your work that day.
10 June 2022, by the Goddess of Divine Love for Work
Stop relying on anyone else to do your job as it could remain undone, badly done or done at the least appropriate moment for you.
I have just told you something of great importance for your survival!
Do your job yourselves after you have invited, sincerely wished and asked that Help be given to you from Above because then, you do it in Joy, at the best time and with the highest quality. This work of yours is Work in God as your Higher Self joins you in it and saturates you with its Light. Your Light and Joy as you work attract people as a magnet, and they come and offer to support you in your work which brings joy to everyone.
Then, without you having relied on any help and support, they come to you themselves.
09 June 2022, by the Father One
Always be as focused as possible in what you are doing and aim at doing as much as possible of this work in less time than before and your work to be done with the highest quality.
Write down every day how much better you become and enjoy your success! And thank, and give your Divine Love Above for the help you receive to reach that goal after you have invited, sincerely wished and asked the Beings of Light from the Higher octaves of Light to join you in your work even before you have started it.
08 June 2022, by Beloved Orpheus
Sing songs to the Lord whenever you can. Devote them to the Father One, and while singing, give Him your Divine Love.
Sing your songs to Him – with a text in which you sing how much you Love Him and how much you are grateful to Him for everything, and with your melody that comes straight from your heart. And before you start singing, invite, sincerely wish and ask your Higher Self to help you and sing with you to the Lord, and thank it.
Sing when you are hungry to elevate yourself easily.
Sing when it is cool so that you feel well when your inner Fire starts burning while you are singing.
Sing during the sunrise when the prana is the strongest so that the impulse of your Divine Love that you are giving to the Father One, woven into your song devoted to Him, is powerful.
Sing every day if possible, and you will notice/see/feel the change towards good that will happen in you, in your life and in the life of your close ones.
07 June 2022, by the Goddess of Divine Freedom with Lord Shiva
Get Free from all worries and regrets as you waste a great amount of the so precious Divine energy through them. And because they are instilled in you by representatives of some networks of the illusion that have perfected themselves exactly in this – to harm people in a way that will make them worry and/or regret about anything.
And instead, thank the Father One and send Him your Divine Love so that the evil turns into Good! This is a very important part of your work in Spirituality and your Spiritual growth.
06 June 2022, by Beloved Zarathustra
Stop getting distracted whatever you do!
When you stop letting your thought fly away to things that are different from what you are doing at that moment, your work will be good-fruitful, and the representatives of the illusion will be without access to you.
30 May 2022, by Lord Shiva
Every evening before going to bed, describe in a notebook what brought joy to you that day. And send your gratitude and Divine Love to the Father One.
And when you have some difficulty or feel unwell, open that notebook and read from it until you are filled back with Tranquillity, Joy and Divine Love.
28 May 2022, by Babaji
The time has come for you to work constantly with Joy, high quality, and high speed as this has a direct relation to your survival in the Time which will come after the Intermediate time that you are living in in your here and now.
23 May 2022, by Lord Maitreya
Remember to thank the Father One and send Him your Divine Love when something good happens in your life.
Do that even more in times of trial.
And do that the most in times of supreme trial!
22 May 2022, by Master Morya
The Intermediate time is strictly defined, and you are given a chance – a second chance, to cleanse yourselves karmically as much as you can and to live so that you are without accumulating any new negative karma in order to survive when the Time comes, which is after the Intermediate time and before the Halftime.
Be without unnecessary lingering and without wasting your energy on secondary things.
Each day is really precious!
Work and live so that before falling asleep in the evening, you are pleased with what you have achieved during the day, and your Soul is calm.
21 May 2022, by Elohim Apollo
Live and work so that whatever you do, it is a Divine example for others and a work of art in which you have put your Divine Love and Creative energy.
16 May 2022, by the Great Mother of the World
Dear children of Light with Living, Bright and Pure Souls, most of you really need to reinforce your Esteem, Respect, Worship and Divine Love to the Mother as something Sacred, giving new Life.
My Recommendation to you, however, is to send these Esteem, Respect, Worship and Divine Love to the Mother to Me and the Most Holy Mother of God as the mothers of some of you, mothers in incarnation, are without Living, Bright and Pure Souls. And whatever number or whichever of these 3 characteristics are missing (Living, Bright and Pure), it is all the same because in each of these cases, when you communicate with them, your energy goes into one of the networks of the illusion, and very often you lose it for good.
15 May 2022, by Buddha of the Universe
Harness all your efforts to preserve your Spiritual achievements – your Divine qualities and Virtues, by using them more often because you will need them a lot in the future. It would be good even to strengthen and expand them and acquire new ones by accepting with gratitude to the Father One all the hardships in life and continue to send Him your Divine Love. This is the wisest behaviour I recommend you to follow in your here and now.
13 May 2022, by the Father One
Start to look after your food a lot more, but not the food for your physical body – rather the food for the Soul of every one of you which has remained Alive, Bright and Pure!
And feed it with good food – with Joy, with Kindness, with the Silence and birds’ songs around you. And stop giving it to eat surrogate food and poison it with anger – with the condemnation of anything, with discussing, sharing, gossiping, including in the social networks, and with political news, including on the Internet, spending quite some time there every day!
08 May 2022, by Lady Master Nada
Look after the people who work for God and are in God and the Lord, and their life serves as an example as they live in fulfilment and follow the Lord’s Commandments and Laws.
Look after them more than after your own children as the mission of these Beings of Light is to help for the fulfilment of the Lord’s Providence and with all their heart and Soul to look after all of you – God’s children with Living, Bright and Pure Souls – so that you survive and pass on to the New World of the 6th human race!
06 May 2022, by Saint George
Safeguard your inner Light by remaining in a positive tune and equable. The easiest way to do this is when you only see the positive sides of life and ignore the negative ones without letting them reach your nature of Beings of Light who have come in incarnation and managed to keep their Souls Living, Bright and Pure.
Or if you note them, this will be only to thank the Father One for them and send Him your Divine Love. And afterwards pay attention and see only their good consequence. As there is always one!
02 May 2022, by Master Koot Hoomi
Keep the Divine Love in your family relations as the greatest gem.
And if someone or something prevents you from living in Peace, Divine Love, Joy, with Kindness and acceptance of each other without any condemnation, immediately turn to the Father One and invite, sincerely wish and ask Help and Support from Above to be given to you so that they are restored.
And after that, when your relationship improves, every day, thank the Father One and all Beings of Light from the Higher octaves of Light who helped this happen and send them your Divine Love so that you continue living happily every day in the future as well!
01 May 2022, by Lord Jesus
Learn to live on your income and to be joyful that you have it. And to thank the Father One for giving it to you and that it is increasing more and more with each passing day, month, year. And give Him your Divine Love!
And stop buying unnecessary items, products and food that are surrogate and harmful for your Health and anything else that you pay for and get, and it is harmful and destroys the Health of any of your 4 lower bodies!
30 April 2022, by the Most Holy Mother of God
My dear children with Living, Bright and Pure Souls!
Pay special attention to the time you spend on the Internet, excluding the use of the Internet
in relation to the completion of your job-related tasks and
on the pages of the UNIFICATION website.
And if you find out that it is more than 1 hour a day, you are threatened by the representatives of the illusion who can drain your energy more and a lot more and much more than you accumulate during your work in Spirituality on that day!
14 April 2022, by the Father One
Leave all military events in My hands and stop thinking about them, stop taking a side and putting your pure and shining energy of Light in these conflicts and feeding them with it.
Be equable to all.
And in Equability, Kindness and in Harmony with the Living Life bless with the two Blessings by Lordess Pallas Athena every day!
09 March 2022, by the Most Holy Mother of God
Increase the Purity of the space you live in and the order and arrangement because this:
strengthens the harmony and balance in you,
and also helps your thoughts to become clearer,
and your protection from infections becomes stronger,
and the presence of your Higher Self in your four lower bodies intensifies.
15 March 2022, by Lordess Pallas Athena
Bless with the Blessings given to you in Question and Answer 159 in order to live in greater safety and tranquillity and to be able to go through the Intermediate time, the Time and the Halftime that lie ahead.
You are blessing insufficiently and poorly at this moment!
Bless every day, and even a few times a day, before it has become too late! And do it with all your heart, with all your Divine Strength and Power (i.e. with the Strength and Power of your Higher Self), and direct all your Divine Love to the Father One while thanking Him at the end of each of these two Blessings and bowing to Him.
19 January 2022, by the Goddess of Divine Diligence and Perseverance
Manifest the qualities of Divine Diligence and Perseverance in order to work them off or if you have already worked them off, to reinforce them by doing the following simple thing, which, however, would bring you a great Good in many ways:
Every day send your Gratitude and Divine Love to the Father One by singing a song to Him or devote to Him something that brings you Joy as you do it – be it Work in spirituality or materiality.
It is important that you do it every day, day after day, without stopping, months and years in a row. It is very much worth doing that!
18 January 2022, by Padma Sambhava
Sometimes, it is necessary and best to do something that you might not like or are not keen on, but if the conditions of the environment or the circumstances of your life require this at that moment, do it with good quality and thank the Lord, and send Him your Divine Love.
And after some time, you will become convinced that this was the best thing you could do back then. And that by doing it, you benefited a lot – a lot more than you could imagine at that moment or even after that!
17 January 2022, by the Great Divine Director
Take the helm of your life in your own hands and be vigilant in order to guide your ship through all the dangers intact and save its valuable cargo along the Way.
Because only when you reach the shore and pass through the series of locks and channels and finally land in the World of the 6th human race, then the valuables that you managed to save and carry with you will be multiplied many times!
16 January 2022, by the Most Holy Mother of God
My dear children, accept the Thoughts given to you here and now by the Higher Beings of Light with Gratitude and Divine Love. And act Wisely and far-sightedly by living in accordance with what you have been told in them.
Because every Thought is extremely valuable in your here and now both as information and as energy that flows into your four lower bodies.
This is a highly effective help given to you by the Beings of Light from the Higher octaves of Light to survive in the time to come.
15 January 2022, by the Father One
Stop all sorrows, regrets and worries in order to preserve the Health of your 4 lower bodies as you will need it in the coming time, which is so close now.
08 January 2022, by Lord Shiva
This planet lacks people who were born evil!
And when you turn to someone, whoever and whatever they are, in a kind way, you block the evil which could otherwise manifest through them, and you save yourselves from present and future troubles/harms/evil/hardship/diseases/misfortunes…
07 January 2022, by Lord Jesus
Save yourselves and your Souls and the Souls of your closest people by forgiving and asking for forgiveness the ones whom you have condemned, reproached and argued with, and your relationships, once warm, turned into cool or even none, whoever was right or wrong.
Forgive each other so that you survive as well as your close people, your whole families and peoples, and the humanity on this planet!
06 January 2022, by Lady Master Nada
Save yourselves and your Souls and the Souls of your closest people by being without condemnation, reproach or arguing with anyone, every day and day after day, more and more ahead in the time that is running now.
05 January 2022, by Master Morya
You lack time to linger!
Pull yourselves together and work hard on your own behaviour and urgently correct it in the direction to full implementation of the Word of the Father One from His Blessing (given on 01.01.2022) to all of you who are with Living, Bright and Pure Souls in the whole 2022.
And thank Him every day for His Blessing and send Him your Divine Love so that you get as a Gift all these states of Peace and Quiet in the Soul, enhancement of your Kindness and Divine Love, and cessation of condemnation in all its forms, including making an evaluation, taking someone’s position, or interfering in others’ affairs without their explicit desire for that!
04 January 2022, by Elohim Peace
Strive for Peace within yourself first, and then for Peace between nations, states and within states between people of different races, nationalities, religions, strata, etc.
And invite, sincerely wish and ask from the Father One and Me – Elohim Peace, to have a peaceful existence – both in your four lower bodies and everywhere in the world of this planet.
Thank us for that and send us your Divine Love every day, a few times a day is even better as there is a great need for you to do that constantly so that all of you survive – the people with Living,
Bright and Pure Souls, and the Living Life on this planet!
03 January 2022, by the Father One
Make your life easier and more efficient
by avoiding its complication when you perform
secondary and tertiary activities,
and only do what is most important at the moment.
Thus, you will be much more successful,
your Soul will be at peace,
and you will feel inner self-satisfaction
and joy from your achievements.
You will have more time to relax in nature
that you can spend alone with yourself, with your Higher Self
or with your closest people.
24 December 2021, by the Father One
My dear children with Living, Bright and Pure Souls!
Every day be in Joy because there is always a reason to be joyful. Capture every moment like that, and relax and let the quiet Joy that comes from your Soul pour over you.
This is a very good way to boost your immunity.
20 December 2021, by Beloved Portia
Pay all your debts on time, both to the state and to anyone. And live so that you can pay them so that you are without being brought to trial.
Thus, your Soul will be at peace, and you will be able to be in contact with your Higher Self all the time.
And in case there is a chance for you to be unable to pay your debts, the best is to live without them!
15 December 2021, by Lady Master Nada
When under the influence of the activity of representatives of the illusion or because of the presence of negative karma whose time to be worked off has come the relations between some family members have deteriorated, they had best immediately perform the Spiritual Practice Forgiveness with a fellow man.
But before they start it, they should invite, sincerely wish and ask the Father One to be present at their Forgiveness practice and to help them improve their relationship, and the negative karma between them or any other negativity to turn 100% into Light!
And after the end of the Forgiveness, they should thank Him and give Him their Divine Love. And afterwards, all the other family members should do it when the relations have improved.
Such a Forgiveness Practice can also be done in the same way in case of deteriorated relations between friends, close people, colleagues, …, but virtually, by one of them only, when the person is alone, and the other one is in the illusion.
14 December 2021, by Master Koot Hoomi
Stop all the anguish as it is a 100% illusory manifestation implanted in you by the representatives of the networks of the illusion. Discard all painful thoughts and feelings as something strange to you that someone is trying to force you to bear for free, and during this time, being in all these negative emotions and hardships, you are deprived of some of your energy as they make you tired.
Ask your Soul what it wants. And you will feel that Joy, Peace and Divine Love overwhelm you as well as Harmony and the feeling of unification with the Living Life and the whole Creation of the Father.
Well, what do you choose here and now, in this moment and in any moment that follows, every day?
Always when you have negative thoughts and feelings, ask yourself that question. And remember this Thought-Guidance that I am giving to help you and support you in future times.
13 December 2021, by the Father One
When the wind of change starts blowing, all of you who are with Living, Bright and Pure Souls, turn around and go in the direction of the wind, instead of facing it, so that you can survive!
Because only then will the time come for you to fulfil the main Mission of your life. And only those of you will succeed who have survived before that and remained with Living, Bright and Pure Souls!
11 December 2021, by the Most Holy Mother of God
Bathe more often. It is best to do it in the evening before going to bed so that you take off from yourself all the dirt built up during the day both on your physical body and on your subtle bodies in energy, whatever has lain on them on the subtle plane.
This is achieved most easily while bathing. When you wash your body, imagine that in the way the water is pouring over your physical body and cleansing it, so is the energy pouring over and purifying the three lower bodies of your Soul – astral, mental and etheric.
And when you finish bathing, thank your Higher Self for the help given to you to cleanse your four lower bodies, and give it your Divine Love!
10 December 2021, by Master Morya
Make an effort to work also what is very hard, unpleasant and repulsive to you, and thank the Father One for the support that is given to you from Above after you have asked for it before starting that work.
Thus, you will burn out the blockage that is most probably put on you by a representative/representatives of a network/networks of the illusion in this or even in previous incarnations, and you will be free!
09 December 2021, by the Father One
Tune in to the wave of Divine Love and watch 10 of the Messages-Pictures uploaded on the UNIFICATION website every day. Alternate them day after day until you have seen all of them, and then start over. And do so in all future times.
And as you watch them, send Me Gratitude and Divine Love. This is of great importance for the survival of the people with Living, Bright and Pure Souls!
08 December 2021, by the Most Holy Mother of God, given during the hour of Mercy of the Most Holy Mother of God
My Dear children with Living, Bright and Pure Souls, I Love you so much!
And I pray to the Lord to guide you along the Path towards Him and to protect you so that you remain with Living, Bright and Pure Souls!
Every one of you should take more time to be on your own – with your Higher Self, in peace and quiet. Every one of you needs such time for relaxation and complete peace every day. Then you have the chance to be healthier, with better immunity and your life decisions to be right from the Lord’s point of view.
01 December 2021, by the Father One
Make way for those who are in a hurry, and you move more smoothly and calmly but steadily and most importantly – without any shocks and accidents. In this way, you will go much further than those who riskily pass by you and, after a while, stop to rest and deviate from the Way.
29 November 2021, by the Most Holy Mother of God
Be without worrying about your survival because whatever has happened on this planet so far, people have survived. And the Lord takes care that the humankind survives when there are people with Living, Bright and Pure Souls who Believe in Him and thank Him, and send Him their Divine Love!
28 November 2021, by Master Koot Hoomi
Live where your Souls feels light, and work hard whatever you can do and feel like doing that brings Joy to you, as this work will bring abundant results, especially when you do it where you live happily!
25 November 2021, by the Father One
Prepare to be constantly in a positive tune so that you survive.
Whatever happens, your first thought should be:
'If this is happening and the Lord allows that, it is Good, and it will be even Better when I thank the Father One and give Him my Divine Love.' And do it.
And your second thought should be:
'And it will turn into the greatest Good when I thank the Father One every day and give Him my Divine Love in relation to what is happening.' And do it!
01 November 2021, by the Father One
Be Kind, Gentle and Warm-Hearted to anyone, in equanimity and without interfering wilfully in his affairs, whatever they are, if you wish to be Living and Healthy!
And this should be your Rule №1 in the time that has come and is running now.
12 October 2021, by the Great Mother of the World
Focus your attention on building and good preservation instead of destroying, wasting and depleting your own resources and the resources of the planet so that you survive in the coming times.
11 October 2021, by Guan Yin – Goddess of Divine Mercy and Compassion
Start taking more time for work in Spirituality and give your Divine Love to the Father One and all Beings of Light from the Higher octaves of Light!
This is so necessary for you in your here and now, and it will be even more necessary in the nearest future that is coming.
10 October 2021, by Lord Shiva
Get Free from everything unnecessary that you have stopped using or change its purpose and start using it in a different way.
Get Free from the garbage and dirt, chaos and disorder, inertia and reconciliation.
Thus, you will get Free from the energy of stagnation and destruction, and you will change the vector to fulfilment of the space on the material plane that you live in also to fulfilment of your Souls with the energy of Renewal, which brings Joy and Light to the Souls, Harmony and Balance to all your 4 lower bodies, and good Health in Spirit, Soul and body, as well as an uplift to the Creative energy and enhancement of the vitality.
04 October 2021, by Lord Surya
Breathing in a specific way could relieve your life and make it easier.
Take a deep breath, as deep as possible, hold it as long as possible, and exhale very slowly. And immediately after that, quickly inhale and exhale three times.
Repeat this exercise 10 times, and focus only on the way you breathe while doing it, without thinking about anything else.
This breathing exercise is beneficial and could help you when you are sick, tired, nervous, stressed, irritable, angry, and also when you are distracted, apathetic, depressed, without a desire to work anything, etc., i.e. in a negative mood in any way.
Do it as many times a day as you wish according to your needs, but not more often than once every hour! And only when this hour is over, you can do it again.
03 October 2021, by the Father One
Live so that when you go to bed in the evening, you are satisfied with what you did during the day. Your Souls feel light, and you are full of the feeling of a job well done that is a Divine example you have put into this world.
02 October 2021, by the Most Holy Mother of God
My dear children of Light with Living, Bright and Pure Souls, give your Divine Love to your mothers and pour it over them every day – both the mothers who are in incarnation and the ones who have already left it!
In this way, every one of you strengthens your mother when she is a Being of Light and gives her a chance to help you and support you in your life in return. And if your mother is in her essence a representative of any of the networks of the illusion, by giving her your Divine Love, you block her harmful influence and increase your own chance to be happy in your life.
20 September 2021, by Master Koot Hoomi
Every day, take time to shower with your Divine Love the Father One, Lord Alpha – your Heavenly Father, and your Higher Self, as well as the Living Life on this planet and itself. And make it a way of life for you!
15 September 2021, by the Father One
My Dear Children of Light with Living, Bright and Pure Souls, it is good that you constantly increase your creative energy, and this happens when you create and co-create more and more what your heart tells you to and what brings Joy to your Soul. Fill your life and your world with wonderful Divine examples. The more, the better.
16 August 2021, by Beloved Portia
Stop thinking about who is right and who is wrong because you are without a clear idea about what things are like from the Lord’s point of view and because if you do, you are judging. And as you judge – you prevent the Lord from doing it, and He does it much better and fairer than you. When you judge, it is an interference in the works of the Lord and in the Providence of the Lord. Thus, you are burdened with negative karma directly to the Lord, and this shortens the time of your stay in this incarnation.
13 August 2021, by the Father One
Elevate yourself to the Higher Octaves of Light and stay there at least once a day for as long as you can. This gives you higher-level protection for the rest of the day when you are immersed in the illusion of the material world.
05 August 2021, by Lord Shiva
Be prepared for anything that happens.
Be flexible.
Be constantly with Gratitude and Divine Love to the Father One and leave yourself in His hands – yourself and your close people.
04 August 2021, by Lady Master Nada
Support each other and be united so that you can continue your evolution successfully.
The motto 'Even a lonely warrior is a warrior' is still valid, but this is far from enough now to survive in what lies ahead.
03 August 2021, by Master Koot Hoomi
Find some work to do – something that brings peace to your Soul and makes you feel light and happy as you work. This is a sure sign that this is the best work from the Lord’s point of view for you at this time, and it is without burdening you karmically.
02 August 2021, by Guan Yin – Goddess of Divine Mercy and Compassion
Be with the greatest Mercy and Compassion to yourself – to your Soul! And constantly protect it from all kinds of negativity, from excessive negative emotions and outbursts so that you are Healthy and can support your close people.
Only then can you be merciful and compassionate to other people, to anyone! Because otherwise, you are hypocritical towards God and before the Lord! And if you are unwell, there is no way to help and support others, but you will only harm them even more in your attempts to ‘help’ them, and this is anything but Mercy and Compassion for them!
31 July 2021, by Padma Sambhava
Always think carefully about how long you will set before you say you will do something. Be without giving deadlines so that you are less bothered while doing it. The best answer is that you will do it as soon as possible and that you will let people know when it is ready.
20 July 2021, by the Most Holy Mother of God
My dear children with Living, Bright and Pure Souls!
Always when you wake up, give your gratitude and Divine Love to the Father One, and invite Him, sincerely wish and ask Him to Bless you as He has ordained.
This gives you the strongest protection and is your most important work in Spirituality to do both in your here and now, and in the future, and even more so!
19 July 2021, by Guan Yin – Goddess of Divine Mercy and Compassion
Make a list of everything you have to do both during the day and in the next few days. Perform the activities one after the other, learning to interrupt one in case you are prevented from performing it, and suddenly start performing another one, even if it was originally planned to be done at another time of the day or even in another day!
This is your most merciful and compassionate behaviour, both to yourself and to your close people, as you will always easily do what is least expected and without planning it in advance. Because the implementation of pre-planned activities is often accompanied by special surprises, also prepared in advance by the illusion, aimed at failing you or making you a little successful, irritate you and take away as much energy as possible while trying to fix the mess!
18 July 2021, by Master Morya
Folk wisdom states that ‘work adorns a person’.
However, only a part of this Wisdom has reached you. It says:
‘Work adorns a person, and work done with quality and on time rejuvenates and enriches him.’
Because then man accumulates good karma, which is used for him to be healed and his cells to be regenerated, to be financially prosperous and to be Spiritually connected with higher and higher levels of the Higher octaves of Light. Each time his good karma is used according to the needs of the moment – be it to strengthen the person’s Health in Spirit, Soul and body, to strengthen him financially or to support, alleviate or accelerate his Spiritual movement.
And the more and wholeheartedly the man works, the more alive he becomes and the more beautiful and spiritualised, as his Soul is also beautified by the energy of Life, which also multiplies for him, while he works with desire!
17 July 2021, by Babaji
Your work is easy when you do it willingly, and brings you joy when you do it with high speed and quality.
Because when you work at high speeds, the representatives of the networks of illusion disconnect from you, if there were any who are specialised in hindering you and making it difficult and painful for you to work, and making you work reluctantly, because then the energy that you put in is coloured by this negativity and becomes available for them to consume.
And by working well, you set a Divine example for everybody. This multiplies your creative energy and good karma.
Then, your Soul begins to rejoice and enjoy, and your desire to work intensifies, and from this, it becomes easy for you as you work!
04 July 2021, by Lord Shiva
Expect even the most unexpected, be ready to accept it and to remain equal, i.e. to preserve your energy potential and level, and to be with gratitude and your whole Divine Love for the Father One.
03 July 2021, by Lord Maitreya
When you have to be awake and working, and someone on the fine plane makes you feel very drowsy, and this interferes with your work, and you feel exhausted and powerless because the moment you fall asleep, even for a while, a significant amount of energy is taken from you; then even if it is for 10-15 minutes, read something interesting and funny –, the important thing is to laugh! And your drowsiness will disappear immediately, and you will be refreshed for a long time after that.
02 July 2021, by Lordess Palas Athena
Preserve your Joy, no matter what happens, so that you survive! And use all the ways and means available to you to make this happen: draw, write poetry, sing.
Every day, at the end of the day, write short texts – what brought you joy during the day, what most important things happened, what you achieved. And when you feel unhappy, sit down and read them until you are at peace.
01 July 2021, by Guan Yin
Dear people with Living, Bright and Pure souls, rejoice and thank, and give Divine Love to the Father One when it is most difficult and hard for you. When you turn with Divine Love to the Lord and accept what is happening, and continue to aspire to God, and you are with Faith, gratitude and Divine Love to the Father One, you receive Gifts from Above.
And these Gifts completely remove the effect of the harm inflicted on you, and you become many times better than you were before!
30 June 2021, by Master Hilarion
Rejoice when you work, whatever it is, the whole time while you are working, because then work creates good karma, which is used when you need to be healed – all your 4 lower bodies, on all levels!
And when you are healthy, then your good karma is used to increase and enhance your creative energy, which makes you more successful financially when you have more of it because your work becomes of better quality, of a higher order, and is better paid. As new doors open for you, the financial flow to you increases, and you can start earning more.
29 June 2021, by Lady Master Nada
Look for and find the right person to walk the Path Home in the Real World of God.
He who seeks finds!
He who asks is given!
He who goes reaches!
Note from Rositsa Avela:
He who seeks finds – the one who is the best from the Lord’s point of view in order to reach the goal.
He who asks is given – when he invites, sincerely wishes and asks that support and help from Above be given to him.
He who goes reaches – when he has a faithful companion by his side who:
will keep him on the Path if he slips aside,
and help him to rise and continue if he stumbles and falls, and comfort him,
and give him new strength if he gets tired,
and if he faints, will cheer him up,
and enjoy with him when he moves well!
28 June 2021, by Padma Sambhava
Make a mental circle around yourself from fiery white Light, and then start your Service/work in Spirituality, whatever Spiritual practices you do as long as they are good from the Lord’s point of view and have a good effect on the Living Life and the planet, and are in agreement with and in fulfilment of the Providence of the Father One.
Then, your protection is strengthened, and the work of the Guardian Angels is made easier, and they can guard you afterwards to a much greater extent! And you will feel it!
25 June 2021, by Buddha Vairochana
You are rich, long-lived and successful when you are well in energy because then
you are able to work, and the financial flow to you is increasing,
and your health is improving,
and your Divine Love is intensified, and this gives you the strongest protection, as the representatives of the networks of illusion are almost without the possibility to harm you, especially if you live virtuously and in fulfilment of the Lord’s Commandments and Laws.
24 June 2021, by Lord Surya
Make your life flow so that when you go to bed in the evening, you are happy with yourself and with the work completed during the day!
And thank the Lord that He supported your work from Above.
Also, thank Archangel Michael and the Guardian Angels for guarding you day and night.
And address your Divine Love to all of them!
20 June 2021, by the Most Holy Mother of God
Do today’s work today, and tomorrow’s – tomorrow and at no other time because you are given help from Above and security when you do it at the right time!
And in case you postpone it wilfully, then there is a danger of encountering all kinds of obstacles and complications because you will do it on your own, and the representatives of the networks of illusion will have easier access to you.
If you are late, you do it at another energy time, destined to do something else then which is Divinely assisted and guarded from Above at that very moment.
You determine how to live and work and how successful you are yourself:
whether you are on the crest of the wave and everything succeeds with ease and happens in the best way – as determined, destined and assisted by God and the Lord, and your Creative energy, strength and power grows,
or you fall into different vortices one after the other, spend too much effort and do your work at the cost of great energy losses, deteriorating quality and minimum amount or no good karma because with so many difficulties, obstacles and exhaustion, you are without the possibility to work in Joy and let your work be Karma-yoga!
18 June 2021, by Lordess Palas Athena
It would be good for each of you to acquire at least one skill – a skill that brings Joy to you, and that you do by yourself, with your own hands, without using machines!
16 June 2021, by the Great Divine Director
Remember that Good always results from evil when as soon as something bad happens, you thank the Father One and send Him Your Divine Love!
15 June 2021, by Master Morya
Abide in Purity and Abstinence from harmful things so that you may be able to attend the Higher Octaves of Light and receive on the subtle plane Guidance from your Higher Self, from your Master, and from all of Us – the Beings of Light, when you invite, sincerely wish and ask Us to support you along the Path to God and to the Father!
14 June 2021, by Lord Maitreya
Make sure you are punctual in fulfilling your commitments, and always repay well and with Kindness to the one who supported you and helped you in a difficult time!
12 June 2021, by Master Hilarion
Think about your Health before you need to do it by living Virtuously, Piously and in Unification with the Living Life!
05 June 2021, by the Father One
The year 2021 has been given to you to adjust to the higher energy and vibration of the World of the 6th human race, where each of you, who has a Living, Bright and Pure Soul and is elevated to the required level, will pass.
Do your best to succeed!
You can do it, as long as you realise that this is the most important thing in your life at this time.
01 June 2021, by the Great Mother of the World
Happy Children's Day, my dear children with Living, Bright and Pure Souls!
Today, it would be good for each of you to give yourself and all the other children Joy, by enjoying nature, the Living Life and Mother RAIMA. And to give your Gratitude and Divine Love to them, as well as to your Higher Self, to Lord Alpha, to the Father One and to all other Beings of Light from the Higher octaves of Light.
Rejoice, exult and Honour all of them!
31 May 2021, by the Most Holy Mother of God
Sometimes, it is more important for a person to show strong Faith in the Lord God Originator and Creator of the Heavens than any other Divine quality, because that is how he can be saved at the last moment! And the impossible may become a reality!
26 May 2021, by Elohim Peace
Stop being afraid and anxious about anything, and leave yourself completely in the Lord’s hands! Give your Welfare to the Father One, and you will receive much more than all your desires and expectations combined! Then your Soul will be calmed and pacified, and you will rise in the Spirit!
24 May 2021, by the Great Mother of the World
Dear children of Light, be more often in nature and walk. Especially those of you who work sitting for hours.
One is healthy when he walks, not when he stays in one place for a long time and moves in any other way!
18 May 2021, by Archangel Gabriel
When the Father One himself has communicated something to you through a particle of His Presence, treat Him with the greatest respect and reverence and with all your Divine Love! And do exactly what you are told so that you survive and are well! Because everything that is given to you from Above is given to you for this very reason.
19 May 2021, by Moses
Remember that the Lord allows you to pass the greatest trials through your loved ones. And be ready to accept it with gratitude and with Divine Love for the Lord and for them and without any condemnation and any other negative thoughts, feelings, words and deeds!
Then you will free yourself sooner and more easily from the karmic and any other shackles that bind you to them.
17 May 2021, by Master Koot Hoomi
Cleanse the space around you of everything harmful, of stagnant things and of your own energy of your negative thoughts, feelings, words and deeds, by filling it (the space) with Light, Purity and positive thoughts, feelings, words and deeds, residing in the Higher energies of Joy, Kindness and Divine Love!
15 May 2021, by Master Morya
Be filled with respect, equanimity and kindness, and show them in your attitude towards anyone who treats you badly, irritates you, harms you, hinders you in any way, etc. so that you can stay healthy in the times to come and increase and multiply your Divine Strength and Power instead of decreasing them!
12 May 2021, by Saint Constantine Cyril the Philosopher
Cleanse your speech of any illusory presence in it.
Cleanse your Word of all that is superfluous.
And you will be wiser!
01 May 2021, by Master Hilarion
See yourself in the eyes of others, and you will know if you need treatment or you are fine.
In case people see you and greet you happily and joyfully, this is a sure sign that you are healthy in Spirit, Soul and body.
In case people see you, and they frown or avoid looking you in the eyes, or even turn away, then it is imperative to ask yourself what is wrong with you and what you need to fix urgently to restore your health while you can still do it without anyone's help and support in the easiest way!
26 April 2021, by Archangel Michael
Be vigilant of the traps of the illusion, and see to it that you are in strict observance of human laws and the Lord’s Laws so that you are without giving grounds to the representatives of the networks of illusion to attack you and drain your energy, making you feel unhappy, in danger and negative in any way. And to need to call me to help because if you yourself with your behaviour have given a reason to the representatives of the networks of the illusion to attack you, it is harder to help you after that!
05 April 2021, by Elohim Peace
Think before you get annoyed, angry and start shouting whether it is worth torturing yourself and making your Soul suffer!
Sit and calm down.
And invite Me to come and help pacify your Soul.
03 April 2021, by the Most Holy Mother of God
My beloved with Living, Bright and Pure Souls!
Saturday is a day dedicated to paying homage, gratitude and Divine Love to your close relatives from and in the Light Network who have made the transition.
And the next day, Sunday, after you have already honoured your ancestors and other deceased loved ones, is the day to honour God in you – your Higher Self, your Heavenly Father – Lord Alpha, and the Father One. And to devote this day to the Lord so that after that, every day of the following week is blessed from Above and more efficient for you!
01 April 2021, by the Father One
My dear children with Living, Bright and Pure Souls!
Get all the components of Tranquillity and Peacefulness by changing your inner tune so that
you are deeply Grateful to Me for everything,
you are with the strongest Divine Love to Me
and with the greatest Faith in Me
in order to be Healthy, Goodfruitful and Prosperous!
10 Match 2021, by Orpheus
It would be good when a person listens to songs or sings, to be especially careful what their words are – they should lead to the Light Network. And the melody should also bring Joy to the Soul instead of sorrow and grief or tension and stress.
Because if the words are illusory while singing or listening to this song, the Divine energy of the listeners and/or performers goes into those networks of illusion whose representatives perform it and/or have written the lyrics and/or the melody.
And when the melody brings sorrow, the Soul of the listener and the performer falls into depression, and when the melody brings tension, at that moment, the Representatives of the networks of illusion very easily instil all kinds of fears in the Soul of the person who listens or sings it!
01 March 2021, by Confucius
I came to repeat in other words what I have already said; it is so important!*
Live so that you are without making more impression on the representatives of the network of the illusion than normally when you are without doing anything at all. Work off your cover and be without standing out among everyone around you in the time you are living here and now, and even more so in the future, during what is to come until your passing through the Portal of the Great Transition to the World of the 6th human race on this planet.
*See Thought 17 from 01.07.2020 by Confucius.
01 July 2020, by Confucius
It would be good to live without being in the spotlight of the projectors of the illusion so that you preserve yourself for a long time by being uninteresting and without standing out among other people, but being successful in fulfilling the Mission of your life, for which you came in this incarnation of yours!
24 February 2021, by Moses
Stop implementing the old Eye for Eye and Tooth for Tooth Law.
Be Virtuous so that you may Prosper.
Keep your Purity to the end so that you can be a part of the Living Life on this planet.
Be All-forgiving, Long-patient and Humble so that you may pass into the World of the 6th human race and inhabit it.
Repent before the Father One and be Loving – be overflowing with Esteem, Respect and Divine Love so that you may abide in Light and reach higher and higher levels on the subtle plane!
23 February 2021, by Lord Eliseya
Stop paying attention to the illusion that makes you feel damaged, lonely, sad, unjust, unhappy or anything else that depresses and urges you to stop working! These are foreign, external thoughts and feelings and they are very harmful to you, as they deprive you of good karma and the joy of work and take away your positive attitude and provoke you to judge!
And condemnation is an even greater evil, because whatever you condemn comes to your head and begins to manifest itself in your life, creates for you negative karma, destroys your immunity, blocks your heart chakra, and harms you in many others ways!
In such moments, start working even harder, faster and with better quality, without thinking about your ‘troubles’. And while you keep working, they will disappear, as if they never existed!
22 February 2021, by Lord Surya
Beloved children of Light with Living, Bright and Pure Souls!
During every 23rd day, be in a strict fast * both in terms of food and in terms of thoughts, feelings, words and deeds, and even more so than fasting with food so that you are able to accumulate as much Good karma as possible on that day.
This Good karma will then be used for your Survival, Healing, Salvation, Well-Being and Ascension in the World of the 6th human race on this planet RAIMA, in these four lower bodies of yours and in this incarnation!
* Strict fast:
1) with regard to food, it is meant to eat only plant food without adding any extra vegetable oil other than the contained in the fruits, vegetables and plant pulses themselves;
2) with regard to thoughts, feelings, words and deeds – it means strict self-observation and control over them so that they are entirely from and in the Light Network. It is recommended to be almost completely silent on that day and reduce the communication with outsiders to the absolute minimum and avoid accessing the internet space.
18 February 2021, by Lordess Palas Athena
Watch carefully when you feel bad and pay attention to what exactly you are doing at that moment, what your thoughts, feelings, words and deeds are, as well as those of the people around you, and who they are. Pay attention to what you did before that as well. And write down all these cases – both what you did that day and what you did the day before. When you do this enough times, it will become clear to you who/what is harming you, and you will be able to do what is necessary to stop this harm!
17 February 2021, by the Father One
Whatever you do, do it with all your heart and Soul!
Put the best of yourself into the subject of your work!
Strive for this work to bring you Joy and satisfaction, and for your Soul to be at peace – that you are doing exactly what is needed, that you are doing it with the highest quality, and that it is bearing good fruit!
02 February 2021, by the Father One
Work in Joy, and in case you are without Joy, turn to Me for support and be ready to thank Me and send Your Divine Love to Me with regard to the least good that will happen to you because in this way your joy will return!
Only work done with Joy, desire and attention, so that it is good-fruitful in the Light Network, is Karma-yoga work which helps you acquire new Good karma! And it is the Good karma that you need to survive and to be able to pass through the Portal of the Great Transition in the World of the 6th human race. Because it is through your Good Karma that you can receive more help and support from Above in case of urgent need, healing and salvation!
30 January 2021, by Maha Chohan
Take more time to make sure you are Healthy in Spirit, Soul and body before it is too late, and a disease of the body or Soul occurs because if this happens, you will waste much more time, and you will need much more effort until you fully recover!
The lack of hard work – physical or intellectual, leads to diseases of the body, and the lack of work in spirituality – of perfection in God, i.e. of rapprochement with the Spirit in you – with your Higher Self, leads to diseases of the Soul. And this lack can be from a series of incarnations, including the current one, so far, and is corrected with very hard work in all these areas. The time has come to do so.
27 January 2021, by Lord Eliseya
Prepare well in advance and live so that you are without any worries about anything when hard times come.
26 January 2021, by the Father One
Be equal – without any strong outbursts of joy and sadness, of positivity or negativity regarding anything! Abide in quiet joy, peace and unity with My whole Creation. Because you lack even the slightest idea representatives of how many energy networks of the illusion there are on your planet at the moment, and what they are capable of!
I will tell you only one thing – there are those who easily take and consume the energy of the person next to them, whatever it is – positive or negative, as soon as the person manifests it externally!
21 January 2021, by the Most Holy Mother of God
Be in Joy!
Be Cheerful and Awake!
And rest assured that when someone close to you, a man or a woman, has left you because his/her incarnation is over, it is the best for both that person and you. Because it is very likely that you will meet again, and very soon, in his/her next incarnation, again closest to you! And the Divine Love flowing between you is the surest reference point that this is your close one – he or she!
20 January 2021, by Lord Sanat Kumara
When you need support or help from Above, take a look at one of the Messages-Pictures, published on the UNIFICATION website or printed from there. And while you watch it, say:
'I repent, Lord, with all my heart and Soul, for everything I have sinned by involving myself into this and now I feel bad because… (e.g. I got sick /I am without money/ I am unemployed, etc.).
Forgive me, Lord, support me, and help me, to stop making mistakes like that, dear Father One, and the issue to be completely fixed 100% in the best from Your point of view way!
Thank You, Lord, for the Forgiveness, support and the help!
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
I love You with all my heart and Soul, with all my Divine Love, dear Father One, and I send it to you here and now!'
19 January 2021, by Lanello
When you run into financial difficulties, the most important thing is to be without worries about how to survive and to leave everything in the Lord's hands! And your concern is to stop all side expenses and consume and pay only what is related to your survival and the payment of debts if you have any, little by little, every month. This is the thing to do at such a time, and it is of the highest priority.
16 January 2021, by Lord Eliseya
Beware of your own negativity in the first place, as well as of any illusory thoughts, feelings, words and deeds, because they poison all 4 of your lower bodies and thus shorten your allotted time of life in this incarnation.
13 January 2021, by Lord Surya
Beware of people who have lost their purity and are possessed by the new network of the illusion, and avoid any communication with them. And you will know who they are by being more watchful and finding out precisely after meeting which people you feel bad the next day! This is your guide.
12 January 2021, by the Father One
Watch yourself constantly and in case you find something you dislike within you, invite Me, sincerely wish and ask Me to be transformed into Light. Then, thank Me and keep sending Me Your Divine Love every day, until all illusory manifestation of this thing ends.
11 January 2021, by Buddha of the Universe
Be filled with Humility, Patience and Faith in the Lord and in the Perfection of His Providence! And accept everything in a positive mood because it is the best from the Lord's point of view in relation to that moment of eternity in which you live in your here and now, and in relation to every moment of all Times, Time, Halftime and afterwards.
07 January 2021, by John the Beloved
Love one another with the purest and holiest Divine Love when you feel that you are given such! As this is the best sign that a Being of Light like you is in front of you!
06 January 2021 г., by Lord Eliseya
More often repeat to the Father One how much You love Him and send Him your Divine Love. And thank Him for everything – unconditionally and unselfishly, without having anything specific in mind. And just thank him for everything, out loud, with the Word-Formula of Gratitude to the Father One:
Thank You, Lord, for yesterday, today and tomorrow!
Thank You, Lord, for everything that is happening!
Thank You, Lord, for everything now and always, and in all Times, Time, Halftime and afterwards!
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
I love You with all my heart and Soul, with all my Divine Love, Dear Father One!
05 January 2021, by the Goddess of Divine Diligence and Perseverance
Strengthen your Diligence and Perseverance to complete every work you do, which is good in God’s point of view, to a successful end. And the more you do that, the more ready you become to join the people in the World of the 6th human race!
30 December 2020, by Master Hilarion
Live in the Lord’s Commandments and Laws and Repent before the Lord for all that you have sinned, in all your incarnations so far, deeply, sincerely and fully, with all your heart and Soul, whenever something ‘bad‘ happens to you, including when you get sick of anything, so that you prosper in the future in all Times, Time, Halftime and afterwards, you and your children, and all your other descendants!
And in case you want faster healing or solution to your problem, make a vow before the Lord and then live without breaking it until the end of your current incarnation. For example, say:
‘Lord, heal me from ….., and I swear to You that I will stop smoking from this moment on while I am in this incarnation!’
Or say that you will stop drinking alcohol, being rude to your relatives, etc. – whatever you decide being aware that you have been wrong in this thing.
29 December 2020, by Lady Master Clare
The Father One has given a new Great Mercy and has authorised Me to communicate to you all, dear children of Light with Living, Bright and Pure Souls, who are in incarnation on RAIMA (the Earth) at that moment and wish to be free from everything illusory in your 4 lower bodies, on all levels. You could read the Commandments of the Violet Flame every day, and in addition to your negative karma, they will cleanse you now also
from harmful programmes, encodings and blockages,
from bad habits and
from the persistent negative states of consciousness
put in you by the Representatives of the various networks of illusion in all your incarnations so far!
The Commandments of the Violet Flame will also cleanse you from the harmful fruits and the consequences of all these three groups of coloured and distorted Divine energy of yours, through which the Representatives of the networks of illusion get access to your temples to harm you in any way, and they very often manage to do it!
24 December 2020, by the Father One
Stop the emanation of any negativity today and tomorrow, and in all Times, Time, Halftime and beyond!
These are very important Words and Guidance of Mine to you, My dear Living, Bright and Pure Children, and a Law about your way of life in the future if you want to survive!
This is the Commandment of the New Time that has come!
23 December 2020, by Lord Surya
On the 23rd day, dedicate all your work – both work in materiality and work in spirituality:
to your own cleansing, as much as possible, of the negative karma, harmful programmes, encodings and blockages, your bad habits and persistent negative states of your consciousness placed within you by the representatives of the networks of the illusion during all your incarnations so far, and your liberation from their harmful fruits and consequences;
to the cleansing of all this and to one or two of your close ones who desire it;
and the transformation into Light of the negative karma of your dear Mother RAIMA (Earth) and of the Living Life on her, as well as of all people with Living, Bright and Pure Souls.
And work in Joy during the whole day, knowing how important this is, especially at the end of the year, when the negative karma of the whole year becomes available to be turned into Light!
22 December 2020, by Lord Lanto
Open your perceptions to the Higher Octaves of Light!
Watch the Messages-Pictures (on the UNIFICATION website) to start seeing the beauty of the universe.
Listen to the natural melodies so that you can begin to hear the voice of your Higher Self and of the Heavenly Angels from the Higher Octaves of Light.
Focus on the silence and be silent more than anyone to increase the Power of your Word and your ability to create with it new, happier future for yourself and your close people and for your fellow soulmates with Living, Bright and Pure Souls.
Create and co-create in a team with the Beings of Light from the Higher Octaves of Light an easier version of passing through the new transitional time, which has already begun to flow in your here and now, since the day of the Winter Solstice (21 December 2020).
21 December 2020, by Padma Sambhava
Be Good, Forgiving and Wise.
Stay away from all forms of aggression and violence.
And stop condemning yourself in the first place, and then everyone else, and especially those who are closest to you and share their lives with you!
13 December 2020, by the Great Mother of the World
Dear children of Light with Living, Bright and Pure Souls, try your best
and with all your heart and soul
to stay calm,
without condemnation, giving ratings and comments
and very far away, as much as possible, from any social unrest
since you are without the need to be hurt in any way afterwards and your Souls to suffer, and your physical bodies to mutilate and to shorten your stay in this incarnation or to destroy you outright!
10 December 2020, by the Father One
Do things on time
so that afterwards you are without any regrets about what you have missed,
as it is already impossible for you to go back and fix it!
04 December 2020, by Archangel Gabriel
Be careful with your word, as its power increases in the Living, Bright and Pure Souls.
Be diplomatic and speak so that you are without affecting anyone because you lack the awareness and the ability to see clearly who he really is and representative of which network of the illusion he is, and how high he is in the hierarchy of the respective network of the illusion. Because many came in incarnation on the planet who are high in the hierarchy of their network of the illusion and have their own goals and objectives to fulfil.
And your job, dear children of Light, with Living, Bright and Pure Souls, is to be without condemnation to anyone, whatever he/she does so that you can
pass with minimal harm and damage through all Transitional times, Time and Halftime,
and pass through the Portal of the Great Transition and continue your evolution in the World of the 6th human race!
30 November 2020, by St. John the Baptist
Today and tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, and every day, and day after day, be good, kind, polite, with respect, attention and care to everybody, and especially to your close people, and with Great Divine Love to all Living, Bright and Pure beings and human Souls, because you are Humans – Creation of Father, in His Image and Likeness.
12 November 2020, by Padma Sambhava
There are many things that you need yet to hear, read and learn, and moreover, that you are to realise. Even too many.
But the most important thing is to be without condemnation of yourself and others who have learned much less than you, and therefore, make more mistakes.
Preserve your inner Peace, the purity of your thoughts, feelings, words and deeds and your harmony with the Higher Heavenly Octaves of Light, and forgive these people, and if they wish, teach them and support them on the path of their Enlightenment.
08 November 2020, by Archangel Michael
Think more about your own protection and that of your close people and take all the precautions available to you, without neglecting them, without weakening your self-control and attention from following them strictly, without caring what others think and without being influenced by their opinion if they are careless of staying pure!
Be vigilant in these transitional times and especially during the pandemic, whose development in the future is still unclear.
Be very precise in the fulfilment of the Lord's Commandments and Laws!
Be without condemnation!
Be in a positive mood – all your thoughts, feelings, words and deeds should be positive and filled with Light and Divine Love!
06 November 2020, by Lord Surya
Embrace the idea of doing something with your own hands, on your own, starting with the project to consider, the terrain on which to make your creation, the time to work on this idea and its implementation, as well as who will help you if you need help, and who will support you in Spirit by encouraging and improving the original idea with new suggestions, and which specialist will advise you in advance, and who will sponsor the funding to ensure the success of the endeavour.
Then your Creative Energy increases dramatically in volume, quality, saturation/density, and you may even move to a new, higher level of creation when you have invited Higher Beings of Light to also come and participate in this work on the subtle plane by making it more efficient and removing in Energy the obstacles concerning its realisation.
And when you create in the material world, on this plane of Being in which you are embodied, your creative skills improve even on the subtle plane! And this is part of the Mission of every Living, Bright and Pure Soul, who came in the incarnation on the RAIMA* here and now.
* RAIMA is the original name of our planet, and the name "Earth" was introduced relatively recently by the representatives of the illusion.
05 November 2020, by the Great Mother of the World
It is good to always keep in yourself in the forefront, as the primary and fundamental thought, the Thought that the Providence of the Father One is Perfect, and the best always happens in regard:
to each of you individually
and to all of you in general – as humanity on this planet,
and in relation to the survival of the Living Life and of itself – of the planet,
etc., in terms of Welfare on a galactic and universal level!
04 November 2020, by the Most Holy Mother of God
My beloved, the more you think the Good of others and sincerely rejoice at their Prosperity, the more and the more often you prosper, too, and the Good comes to you and increases in your life.
The more you rejoice at and admire prosperous people, the more chances you have to become like them.
The more you respect and honour healthy people and communicate and get closer to them, the healthier you become because you absorb in your auras their way of life and their achievements, and they become yours, too, after a while, and because you start acting like them.
Folk wisdom says, ‘Whatever people you get together with, you become like them!’
02 November 2020, by the Father One
My dear children, be like the birds – tweet to each other in Joy and be with Divine Love to Me and to each other, and to all Living, Pure Light Beings, and leave yourself in My hands!
Thank Me for yesterday, rejoice in today and be without worries about tomorrow, but with Faith in Me!
24 October 2020, by the Father One
Live so that you have time to complete every day, and day after day, the activities with the highest priority first. And, first of all, tell your close people how much you love them and send them your Divine Love.
And then throughout the day, be without judging them, however wrong they are, but forgive those representatives of the networks of the illusion who encourage your close ones on the subtle plane to behave in such a way as to provoke you to condemn them. It is best to do the Spiritual Practice of ‘Repentance, Forgiveness, and Gratitude in 7 Steps‘ more often in such cases.
03 October 2020, by Master Djwal Kul
It would be good for everyone to be extremely grateful to his/her Mother for giving birth to them, for nurturing, raising and educating them, and for putting the best of herself into them, and for giving them of her intelligence, Wisdom and the Divine qualities that she possesses!
And every year, with the greatest reverence and with Divine Love, to call her, after his birthday has passed and his complete silence has ended during the 24 hours of the day of his birthday, which begins from the moment of his birth, and to tell her how much he Loves her with the strongest Divine Love he has. And to bless her to be Alive, Healthy, Pure, long-lived and very Happy! Because whoever has a Mother in incarnation who would bless him with her Great Motherly Love for him is very lucky and happy even if he is unaware of how valuable this is!
And to hear in return her Mother's Blessing on his birthday.
02 October 2020, by Lord Alpha
My dear children with Living, Bright and Pure Souls, when you are at a crossroads, invite, sincerely wish and ask the Father One, Me – Lord Alpha, and all the Angels and Archangels of the Heavenly Angelic Hierarchy of Light to give you help and support, and also advice in the form of something to see, hear, learn, i.e. to prompt you in any way so that you understand it. And ask your Higher Part for support on how to act best and rightly from the Lord's point of view.
And leave everything in the Lord's hands.
But every day thank the Lord and God, with all your heart and soul, and send them Divine Love. And be in full Faith that whatever happens to you is the best thing right now so that the next, better one comes, and then even better, until the time comes for the best to come, after you will have given your pure Divine Love to Us every day until then, and you will have thanked Us all from Above precisely in relation to this best!
29 September 2020, by Elohim Peace
Relax, Children of Light, as one does when lying on his back in the sea and looking at the sky, and he is overwhelmed by the feeling that he is the only one in the world and is dissolving into the universe. Everything else seems to cease to exist as he sways slightly on the surface of the water.
Remember this state of almost absolute Peace and Harmony whenever you become tense. Try to remain alone and restore it. Because afterwards, you will look at your problems from a completely different point of view – a much higher one, where they seem already insignificant and much easier to solve, because there the high is full of the solutions that you need, and each of them is better than the other one, the higher you have risen!
26 September 2020, by Lord Melchisedech
Jump from the moving train in which the whole humanity is travelling, immediately, even within a second, as the delay time has expired. After that, it will be too late. And you will survive, even if you get hurt. The train is moving and approaching an area where Living Life is dying! The structures of the Soul are destroyed, and the connections of the Soul with the Spirit and of the Soul with the body are destroyed. Then a person irretrievably loses the ability to be in connection with his Higher Self – with God!
What would happen to human bodies if the train reached and travelled in an area of strong radiation after a nuclear accident or explosion – something similar happens on the subtle plane with the subtle bodies of the Soul when exposed to 5G network radiation, to the radiation from some other, various sources in large settlements, and when being in the Internet space!
24 September 2020, by Lord Surya – Thought on the 23rd day of each month
Dear children of Light who have come to incarnate in this material world, I AM Surya have come to tell you that I support your work on the 23rd day of each month and participate in your spiritual practices when you invite Me to do so, and whenever you invite the Higher Beings of Light to join your work in spirituality.
And now I remind you to do this good deed in the very beginning of every 23rd day – immediately after the prayer given to you by Lord Shiva to invite the Higher Beings of Light, who can and wish, to join in all your work in spirituality and work in materiality on that day so that their beneficial effect may be multiplied, and you may send us Your Divine Love.
17 September 2020, by Master Morya
When you read history books about past times, including biographies of people who lived then, and watch such films, it is like a journey back in time. Every trip has its price in energy and when you go on one, you pay with your energy every time.
And since everyone has a specific limit of energy assigned to them when they come into incarnation, if you are without doing extra work and creating new good karma through making offerings to the Lord and devoting your work, dedicated to the Lord, you may find yourself without enough funds to finance your journey forward and upward in the Light, to the Lord, in difficult areas where you need help.
16 September 2020, by Master Hilarion
The best treatment of people is the preliminary one, an important part of which is the presence of
Divine Love;
Joy, Peace and Harmony;
Positive thoughts, feelings, words and deeds and equality to the manifestations of illusion;
And a healthy lifestyle – eating, sleeping, dressing, exercising…
06 September 2020, by Master Serapis Bey
Watch over the Purity of your 4 lower bodies as over a Sanctuary, because it is! And guard it with all your diligence, because it is extremely worth it! Because a person who is without a sufficient degree of Purity of his 4 lower bodies will be surprised about where he will end up after passing the Portal of the Great Transition when the Halftime comes.
14 September 2020, by Padma Sambhava
A person is healthy and works best after first having taken a morning walk outside or done gymnastics at home, and this gives him a good tone throughout the day. But be without thinking that housekeeping – cooking, cleaning and doing the washing, provide you with enough movement and can replace walking and gymnastics in your life, because they cannot!
Unless you go on foot with a bowl on your head to the river and back and wash your clothes there with a bat on the stones in crystal clear water, without chemical detergents.
11 September 2020, by Master Koot Hoomi
Look at the world from another angle and start the programme 'looking at and seeing, hearing and listening to the Good, the positive and the joyful only'.
And every time something happens to you that your outer consciousness classifies as 'bad', 'harmful', 'unfortunate', 'accident', etc., as soon as you thank the Lord and God that it happened, ask yourself, 'And what is the Good in this whole situation? What is the use of what happened?'
And while this is happening, or after the situation is over, ask yourself or ask your High Self to give you a hint about what you can do that will help you feel much better than before the ‘evil’ happened and to turn the evil into Good!
09 September 2020, by Lord Shiva
Work hard and more and more!
Work constantly and longer and longer!
Work nimbly and faster and faster!
This is the formula for your Salvation and survival in the time that is here and now and even more so in the time to come.
08 September 2020, by Archangel Michael and the Most Holy Mother of God
By Archangel Michael:
Your protection is better when you invite Me at least twice a day, sincerely wish and ask Me to send you some of My Angels to guard you throughout the day – first, when you wake up, to guard you during the day time, and then before going to bed so that you are guarded during the night. And also, whenever you need additional help and support, you can always invoke Me again as a matter of urgency, to strengthen your protection.
By the Most Holy Mother of God:
Remember that what you ask for is what you get. And also, that without asking for it it is impossible to get it, except when you leave yourself 100% in the hands of the Lord and give up all your desires, give your life to the Lord and let the Lord guide you. Then, He takes care of everything in your life according to His Providence, and you just have to thank Him a lot and send your Divine Love to Him many times every day! Because everything that happens to you then is the best for you and everyone!
07 September 2020, by Buddha Vairochana
Learn to cultivate the soil and grow plants without spraying them with poisonous chemicals – both them and the soil, if you want to be Alive and Healthy here and now, and in the future.
04 September 2020, by Presence of the One
Every person with a Living, Light and Pure Soul should be alone on his birthday with God – his Higher Self, and with the Lord so that he can receive from them all the Gifts that are assigned to him as well as the energy that he will need throughout the whole year.
And every hour on the hour, he should direct to his Higher Self the energy that enters his 4 lower bodies, and he should do this in the next 24 hours, starting from the time he was born, i.e. throughout the whole day and night on his birthday when he is awake*. This will prevent the waste of his precious life energy in the world of illusion and the competition of the representatives of the networks of the illusion to take it away from him in the following hours and a few days.
* For example, if someone was born at 6 o'clock in the morning, he/she should direct the energy coming into his 4 lower bodies to his Higher Self during the next 24 hours until 6 o'clock the next day. This is the whole day and night of the birthday.
03 September 2020, by the Beloved Orpheus
The more you sing Divine songs, even if you just try to do it without being focused on the result, the more you activate the 5th chakra – the throat chakra and your Word also improves!
02 September 2020, by the Great Divine Director
Condemnation weakens and destroys the human immune system.
Condemnation lowers a person’s energy and vibrational levels.
Condemnation is a boomerang – whatever one condemns, one immediately acquires.
My Guidance to you is:
Stop condemning if you want to go through the Portal of the Great Transition to the New World of the 6th human race because otherwise, this is without any chances of happening!
01 September 2020, by Lord Alpha
My dear children!
In case you want your 4 lower bodies to be healthy, to be filled with energy and strength, vigour and a high degree of ability to work in full concentration and high speed and quality of work, you need to stop eating boiling and hot food, as well as icy and cold food, and you need to eat only food that has a temperature close to your body temperature.
Because then you will stop losing that considerable amount of energy that is needed to cool or warm the food in your body and repair the damage done to your digestive and other systems!
And this released energy will help you to be much better than before – to work better and increase the quality of your life to a healthier one and ultimately to be healthier and happier!
31 August 2020, by St. Elijah
The Teaching given to you by the Higher Octaves of Light through the UNIFICATION website about your preparation to be able to successfully pass through the Portal of the Great Transition when the time comes and to continue your evolution in the World of the 6th human race, which is now ready and awaiting you, is precisely the Teaching that you need to follow at that moment and also at all Times, Time and Halftime so that you can continue your training and follow it in the Time afterwards!
30 August 2020, by Maha Chohan
It would be good to work out accuracy to perfection and to do everything in life exactly at the right time, when there is one. Because then you receive help from Above after you have invited, sincerely wished and asked the Father to give it to you. And if you miss this time and do the work at another time, you deprive yourself of the extra help from Above and the protection, and you expose yourself to an additional burden because the representatives of the networks of the illusion get access to you to hinder your work and harm you when you haven’t completed it promptly, after you missed the right moment to do the given thing.
28 August 2020, by St. John the Baptist
Dear Living, Light by birth and Pure Souls, learn to interrupt the conversations that make you feel unwell and are difficult to end. This is especially true in cases when the person opposite to you speaks without stopping and wants to express himself completely, or because he stops and pauses during his speech!
In both cases, at that moment, a representative of the networks of the illusion on the subtle plane, apart from taking away from your energy, also attaches to you new harmful programmes, encodings and blockages or persistent negative states of consciousness, such as various types of fears, for example, or strengthens those you already have.
And when you abruptly end the conversation, that interrupts the process of flowing of the new harmful load into your subtle bodies!
26 August 2020, by Babaji
Work in Joy every day!
And work in such a way as to increase the Joy in the process of work.
Because Joy during work goes hand in hand and it is a sister
of Peace, Good Health and Home Welfare –
for the person and all his closest people with whom he/she lives.
21 August 2020, by Master Morya
Consider well all the minuses and pluses of each thing before you start doing it and prepare well in advance for both.
Regarding the minuses, to forgive with all your heart and soul those Representatives of the networks of the illusion who have made sure the negative sides are there and harm you through them at that moment.
And with regards to the positive sides, to thank the Lord and send Him Divine Love, again with all your heart and soul.
20 August 2020, by Lord Shiva
For those who are having a hard time now it will be easy in the last most difficult times!
So, if I were you, I would start working with all my might on both spirituality and materiality, because it is worth a lot!
What each of you does each day of the time that is running in your here and now determines what he will do in the last times and where he will go and arrive in the time after that!
(See Guidance from Lord Shiva from 20 Aug 2020.)
18 August 2020, by Lord Sanat Kumara
It would be good to have the printouts of Thoughts that we give you here and now ready and to carry them everywhere with you. And in moments of difficulty, to open a random page and read the Thought that is in front of your eyes. In this way, it would be possible to give you Support from Above through that Thought to allow you to deal with the situation you are in the best way from the Lord's point of view, whatever happens and wherever you are.
13 August 2020, by Master Koot Hoomi
Take good care to keep your body healthy, because otherwise, the Soul suffers, as well as the whole surrounding space, the Living Life in it, and the Souls of your close ones.
And when the Soul suffers, its energy level descends, and its connection with the Spirit either decreases or significantly decreases, or completely ceases. And then, deviations happen in the energy supply of the person, and his spiritual development stops.
20 July 2020, by Lady Master Nada
Everyone can be successful in fulfilling his/her Mission, as long as they wish for it. And when they do it and work on this programme, their Souls are calm and joyful, and they feel internally happy!
11 August 2020, by the Most Holy Mother of God
Everyone, if he wants to be healthy, successful and more and more successful in his life and happy, needs to alternate between the types of work whenever possible. And to carefully choose his next work so that it is in balance with his main job during the day.
(See Guidance from the Most Holy Mother of God from 11 Aug 2020.)
10 August 2020, by Archangel Gabriel
When you are going to have an important conversation and meeting,
invite, sincerely wish and ask for Help from Above
and leave everything in the hands of God and the Lord
after you have sent Your Divine Love Above, with all your heart!
09 August 2020, by Presence of the One
Dear children of Light, enjoy every moment spent in peace and tranquillity with your close ones. Exchange your Divine Love whenever it appears and even provoke its more frequent appearance! Whenever that is possible, manifest it externally so that you may rejoice their Souls. And one more thing – this is the most certain way to strengthen your immunity and the immunity of your loved ones.
Now is the time to create and accumulate these perfect moments and store them up in your treasure’s chest in Heavens. They will help and support you to withstand and successfully pass through everything that lies ahead in the future times until the time comes for you to pass purified through the Portal of the Great Transition into the World of the 6th human race on this planet.
And the planet will also be different, changed, because the planet itself will have passed to a higher energy and vibrational level, and this material world in which you are living now will have ceased to exist.
08 August 2020, by Lordess Pallas Athena
Be free and friendly with all people, without being biased by their race, religion and evolution, or by the energy network they belong to. But also, be slightly distant and without manifestations of Divine Love or negativity. It is best to be in the middle – equal, calm, harmonious and inspiring trust, but also respect, and without becoming too close in these Times and particularly in the Time that is coming, and especially in the Halftime after that!
31 July 2020, by Lord Alpha
I AM ALPHA, Your Heavenly Father. Today I will give the Thought of the day, which, however, you can read every day, whenever you wish.
I love you with My Father's all-encompassing Love, my dear children of Light! I send it to you constantly, I pour it onto the Light Network of this beautiful planet every moment, supplying it so that you have enough. And get help from the Angels who watch over you in any case of need. This happens every time you invite, sincerely wish and ask the Higher Beings of Light, with all your heart and soul, with all your Divine Love for us, to be given help!
05 August 2020, by the Great Mother of the World
Most achievements accomplished with effort, Strength and Power, and the even greater expectations, requests, hopes, and demands cost far less than a tiny step before the Lord in Meekness, Patience, and Humility before the Lord's Will.
In the first case, the person, despite all efforts, can evolve minimally, and in the second one – immensely and at once!
04 August 2020, by Lord Maitreya
When someone lies, he lies to himself, to God and the Lord at the same time! And he stops his spiritual growth and his progress forward along the Path to God, and his preparation to succeed in passing through the Portal of the Great Transition into the World of the 6th human race.
03 August 2020, by Lord Rama
When one of you has a problem of any kind, it is best to start working hard – much harder than before.
And first to dedicate his/her work to the Lord and ask Him the good karma of this work to be directed to solve the problem in the best way from the Lord's point of view and then to start working.
And while he/she is working, the most important thing is to be in Joy and to give the best of himself that he is capable of, and even more so that his work is of the highest quality and good-fruitful in the Light Network.
Then much more good karma is created, and the problem is solved faster and in the best way from the Lord's point of view!
02 August 2020, by Lord Surya
Be uncompromising towards yourself and your close ones regarding:
Your faith in God and the Lord,
Your faithfulness to the Father One and
Your connection with the Lord's Commandments and Laws and their exact implementation!
29 June 2020, by John the Beloved
Work out a positive habit of doing something every day that makes you happy and that makes your Soul feel light!
And also, do something else that will bring Joy to your close ones!
Be radiant and with a positive attitude! And help your close ones to be like that, too!
29 July 2020, by Presence of the One
My Dear Beloved children with Living, Light and Pure Souls, be gentle, tender, kind, meek and all-forgiving to your close ones, every day and day after day, again and again, because their Souls, tormented by the illusion, need this!
28 June 2020, by St. John the Baptist
In these times, it is unnecessary for the Living Light and Pure Souls to become a sacrificial lamb!
In the times before the Great Transition, the most important thing is to survive and to pass the Portal of the Great Transition with these bodies of yours!
And if the Father One tells you to do something, you must do it immediately and exactly as you are told, without changing anything, and do it at the exact time.
15 June 2020, by Lord Krishna
When someone is well, and his close ones are sincerely happy that he is well, and they thank the Lord and direct their Divine Love to Him because this is happening to their close one, then all of them become well. And the more they do that, the better and better they get.
24 July 2020, by Lord Eliseya
The one who strengthens his/her faith in the Father One and in the Perfection of His Providence in these Times, Time and Halftime, will have a much easier and milder passing through the Portal of the Great Transition!
23 July 2020, by the Goddess of Divine Wisdom
The best thing for every person here and now, and in all Times, Time, Halftime and after that is to do the work with the highest priority first every day and day after day!
11 June 2020, by Saratustra
Live so that
wherever you pass, fragrant flowers sprout after you,
with whoever you communicate, he/she remembers the conversation with you with a warm feeling and mentions you with Good,
and whatever you do, brings joy to people and Peace reigns in their Souls from the product of your labour.
10 June 2020, by Archangel Gabriel
It is a great Good when a person learns to remain silent with ease and kindness to emanate from him then, and when he says something, to bring Joy to the Souls of the people to whom he is talking.
18 July 2020, by Master Djwal Kul
Look at your life that way:
Your work in both spirituality and materiality begins with going to sleep at night. The earlier you start sleeping, the earlier your work starts, and the more successful it is on the next day!
(See Guidance from Master Djwal Kul from 18 July 2020.)
08 June 2020, by Lord Melchisedek
When you are grateful to someone, thank the Father One
that He sent this person in your life to help you!
Ask the Father to send the right people into your life in the future, too,
at the right time when you need help and support!
Thank Him with all your heart and soul and send Him your Divine Love!
(See Guidance from Lord Melchisedek from 26 February 2020.)
07 June 2020, by St. Ivan of Rila the Wonderworker
Rejoice in every bite of food * you take and thank the Father for having it! Thank your Higher Self that this food also feeds your 4 lower bodies! And send both to the Lord and to God within you your Divine Love!
And only then take the next bite in your mouth, as the greatest sacred thing, and do the same with it again.
That is how you should eat!
* This refers to vegan food only, i.e. 100% plant food.
06 June 2020, by Beinsa Douno the Teacher (Peter Dynov)
Sleep less but with better quality!
This happens when a person goes to bed and wakes up earlier.
14 June 2020, by Padma Sambhava
It would be good for everyone to do some walking on foot during the day in order to be healthy, but you should do it only in places which are pure and without dangers of any kind for you so that you stay Alive and live forever! Be vigilant and wise and think about how to preserve yourself!
05 July 2020, by Lord Lanto
Strive to cleanse yourself of everything that hinders you, and always invite your Higher Self to help. Then, ask it to leave a part of its Presence in your 4 lower bodies during the day. And thank it with all your heart and soul, and send it a lot of Divine Love every day. This way, human problems will diminish and gradually end one after the other if people do what I just gave them.
10 July 2020, by Orpheus
It would be good for a person to sing the Divine songs. Because then his Soul can reach the highest layers of the Heavenly octaves of Light!
(See Guidance from Orpheus from 12 July 2020.)
09 July 2020, by St. Elijah
One who resides longer in inner peace and quiet, alone with himself, calms down, pacifies and unites with God. Then he/she is filled with His Wisdom, Light and Divine Love, which brings him quiet Joy, Kindness and Happiness!
06 July 2020, by St. George the Victorious
It would be good in these accelerated times for a person to work as much as possible and at the highest speed. Everyone can do much more than they are doing now, and even more than they ever expect they can do.
07 July 2020, by Babaji
When you feel bad – with a negative attitude, apathetic, depressed, melancholic, etc., start working faster – faster and faster, whatever you are working! Then rest a little and start working the same way again!
When a person works at a higher speed and revs, the representatives of the networks of the illusion that have stuck to him and are drinking from his precious energy, get unstuck and bounce far away to the side. This works like a high-speed centrifuge – once it is switched on and picks up its speed, who could possibly stay attached to it?
(See Guidance from Babaji from 27 May 2020.)
04 July 2020, by Moses
Be particularly careful to your close ones. When you are in Joy, you are much more efficient in everything you do, and you can achieve much more in the direction of Good.
(See Guidance from Moses from 04 June 2020.)
03 July 2020, by Lord Rama
It is a great Grace when a person carries out the spiritual practice 'Repentance, Forgiveness and Gratitude in 7 steps' because:
1) when he repents with all his heart and soul, everything that he sins and that was giving an opportunity to the representatives of the networks of the illusion to harm him turns into Light;
2) and the energy taken away from the representatives of the networks of the illusion is returned to him, even with Divine multiplication when he forgives them;
3) and when he thanks the Lord with all his heart and soul and with all his Divine Love, for everything that happens, because it is the best for him, every time, the more a person thanks to the Lord, the greater Good comes from what he thanks for!
02 July 2020, by the Great Divine Director
Positive attunement in Joy, Peace and Harmony / Harmony, Peace and Joy, Divine Love and lack of condemnation are the highest priority in every person’s life in these times, in case he/she wants his life to proceed successfully.
01 July 2020, by Confucius
It would be good to live without being in the spotlight of the projectors of the illusion so that you preserve yourself for a long time by being uninteresting and without standing out among other people, but being successful in fulfilling the Mission of your life, for which you came in this incarnation of yours!
30 June 2020, by Constantine Cyril the Philosopher
When you serve your food, invite your Higher Part to do it through your hands. Then, do the last part of the food preparation yourself, seasoning it with spices just before eating. This is how you put your energy into it. Your energy acts on the food and turns into Light everything in it that is harmful for the health of your 4 lower bodies.
Do the same when you speak and put your energy into your speech by inviting your Higher Part to speak through your mouth; when you write, do the same thing. Then your Word becomes Divine and helps both you and those who listen and read it.
27 June 2020, by Beloved Helios
I came today to remind you that what I told you on 27 July 2019 is valid and in full force, and even more during this year! Be much more careful, and in the future be much-much more, many times more careful and protect yourself!
26 June 2020, by Lanello
Work hard for six days, rest on the seventh day and give Respect to the Lord, as well as Gratitude and Divine Love!
Remember this Rule, which is given to you from Above, and be precise in observing the proportion between work and rest so that you are Healthy, Happy and Successful in life.
25 June 2020, by Elena Ivanovna
Thank the Father One for everything – that your Souls are Alive, Pure and in the Light, and that your Health is little by little being restored on all levels, of all bodies, including all the psychological traumas from your earliest childhood until now, by the Angels-Healers during the night! Invite them every time before you go to sleep and thank them when you wake up, from all your heart and soul, with all your Divine Love.
A whole team of Angels-Healers is attached to every one of you and they work on you every night. It is good to keep this in mind and thank them so that they can work even better and help you completely recover even faster from all the damage you have suffered so far from all your closest representatives of the networks of the illusion!
(See Guidance from Elena Ivanovna from 25 July 2020.)
24 June 2020, by Madame Theosophy
When you feel that you are being hindered from doing your job and/or obstructed, do something beyond conventional standard thinking. It will be good to make a move which is unexpected by anyone, including the time when you do it – that also should be non-standard!
23 June 2020, by the Goddess of Divine Wisdom
Work at high speed, without distracting yourself with anything. If you have some work to do – do it! Then everyone else around you will start doing the work that is given to them the same way.
You are like a train. The higher the speed at which the locomotive starts to accelerate and move, the same will be the speed of all the wagons attached to it – from the first to the last one.
This is precisely your work – to become successful, and all your close ones will be successful!
22 June 2020, by the Goddess of Divine Freedom with Lord Shiva
Get Free from everything that prevents you from moving forward to the Light of God within you and that prevents you from manifesting it every day in fulfilment of the Providence of the Father One.
Divinely multiply this Light by doing Good in the Light Network.
And be good-fruitful from the point of view of the Father One in all your thoughts, feelings, words and deeds.
21 June 2020, by Beloved Guan Yin
Take care of each other and others simultaneously, be Merciful and Compassionate to each other and take care of your close ones much more than you would like someone to take care of you!
20 June 2020, by Lady Master Nada
Live so that you will be able to pass through the Portal of the Great Transition into the World of the 6th human race on this planet with your material bodies, settle there and the Souls, who have long been ready and waiting for you to start incarnating through you as your children!
19 June 2020, by Saint Germain
Be calm regardless of what happens!
This is the most important!
Because it is directly related to your protection – your own, which is realised through your own energy shell – your aura, and also the protection, which is given to you from Above by the Higher octaves of Light, by the Angels of protection and other Beings of Light – whether such protection can be given at all and to what extent!
18 June 2020, by Master Serapis Bey
It would be good to skilfully approach other people so that in very few words and in a very short time you can kindly explain them what needs to be done. And bless them, before that, while you are alone:
1) to immediately understand, from the first time, what and how to work
2) to do with pleasure and in the best way from the Lord's point of view and
3) to put in their work the best they are capable of!
And when they finish, thank them wholeheartedly!
17 June 2020, by Elohim Cyclopea
It will be good for each person with a Living, Bright and Pure Soul to live so that he/she:
1) is more and more healthy of Spirit, Soul and body on all levels of all bodies and
2) preserves the energy of his/her material body and all 4 lower bodies, because he/she will need it very much in the future, and
3) is able to start a new life plan immediately after the first one is over and put into action all his accumulated experience straight away.
16 June 2020, by Prophet Muhammad
Train your memory by initially trying to memorise small pieces of text and then larger and larger ones. This is very good for your health, and you will need this skill in the future – to remember more and longer.
13 June 2020, by Buddha Amitabha
Stop expecting someone else to improve your quality of life, but take action and work powerfully, mainly on yourself.
Before you condemn other people, look at yourself first, because there may be the same thing there that irritates you in others, and correct yourself first.
And be wiser and more sinless.
12 June 2020, by Buddha of the Universe
Whatever is given to you as a Teaching by the Father One of this Universe and by the Higher Beings of Light on the pages of the UNIFICATION website, fulfil it with exceptional precision in each detail! This is a very important condition for the success of the Help given to you from Above when you read and accept our Teaching!
09 June 2020, by Archangel Raphael
When a person carries out the spiritual practice 'Repentance, Forgiveness and Gratitude in 7 Steps' with all his heart and soul on every first day of the waning moon and on every 23rd day, and if necessary every day, he becomes healthier in all his four lower bodies, on all levels!
(See Guidance from Archangel Raphael from 9 June 2020.)